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Requests reporting on I/O queuing. If you specify IOQUEUE, a Monitor I session must be measuring any I/O queuing activity. Parameter type can be any one of the following:
  • A device class:
    Direct access storage devices
    Magnetic tape devices
    Communication equipment
    Character reader devices
    Unit record devices
    Graphic devices
  • One or more logical control unit (LCU) numbers:
             ({aaaa          })
    {NUMBER} ({aaaa,bbbb:zzzz})
    {N     } ({aaaa,bbbb,... })

    NUMBER requests specific logical control unit numbers, where aaaa, bbbb, and zzzz each represent hexadecimal device numbers. Leading zeroes can be omitted. You can specify any combination of a single number, a list of numbers, or a range of numbers, as long as your entry does not exceed 32 characters, including commas and colons. When you specify a range of numbers, use a colon as a separator to indicate that the report is to consist of all numbers from bbbb up to and including zzzz.

Note: When your system is running as a guest under VM, RMF™ cannot gather data for it. In this case, the IOQUEUE report is not available.

Example for a display session or background session:

  • To request an I/O Queuing Activity report for LCUs representing all magnetic tape devices, specify:


  • To request an I/O Queuing Activity report for LCU numbers D, E, F, 4E, and 55, specify:

    IOQUEUE N(D:F,4E,55) or IOQUEUE(N(D:F,4E,55))