Menu bar

Each menu bar item offers a pull-down choice to trigger the RMF™ Spreadsheet Reporter actions. The most frequent and important actions can also be started from the icons in the tool bar. Positioning the cursor over an icon displays a fly-over text indicating the provided action.

The pull-down choices of all menu bar items are described in detail in the Spreadsheet Reporter's online help. Here is an overview of the Spreadsheet Reporter actions that you can trigger:

offers actions to print Report Listings or to transfer remote resources to your workstation.
offers dialogs to define:
  • a new System
  • new SMF Dump Data
  • a new remote Report Listing
  • a new remote Overview Record
offers choices to display a Java™ or Windows look and feel of the Spreadsheet Reporter.
offers dialogs to specify:
  • general processing options
  • Postprocessor report types which you want to include in the Report Listings
  • start and end times of the reporting periods
  • duration periods.
offers actions to generate Report Listings, Overview Records or Working Sets. The Create actions are related to the currently selected resources, so that only actions valid in a given context are selectable.
offers entry points to access all types of messages resulting from running the remote RMF Postprocessor jobs.