SYSPROC concatenation

Concatenate the RMF™ ISPF dialog library SYS1.SERBCLS to the library associated with file name SYSPROC in your LOGON procedure.

Check the following:
  • Make sure all copies of RMF CLISTs from previous releases are deleted from the SYSPROC concatenation. If a CLIST from a previous RMF release is used, the RMF commands will not work.
  • Make sure that SYS1.SERBCLS has the same RECFM as the other data sets in the SYSPROC concatenation.
  • Make sure the block size for SYS1.SERBCLS is the same or smaller than the block size for the first data set in the SYSPROC concatenation.
  • If you changed the name of SYS1.SERBCLS or copied SYS1.SERBCLS into a common dialog library, make sure the new name or common dialog library is associated with SYSPROC.
  • If you customized the Monitor III CLISTs by copying the RMF dialog library members into the appropriate common dialog libraries and deleted the ALLOCATE and LIBDEF statements in the RMF CLISTs, make sure that the common dialog libraries are concatenated to the proper file names in your LOGON procedure.