ERBR3SYS - Monitor III Reporter SYSINFO Phase 3 Sample Exit

This is another RMF™ Monitor III phase 3 exit sample. It processes the data tables when the SYSINFO report has been requested, for example by:
  • Procedure Sysinfo_Handler_1:

    This sample illustrates the access to the header data of the RMF Monitor III reports. All values are easily available through the VGET service. Depending on an internally defined threshold, a WTO will be generated.

    In this case, the threshold is TCB+SRB > 90 %.

  • Procedure Sysinfo_Handler_2:

    The second sample opens and scans the SYSINFO data table ERBSYST3. If a specific instance is found and its threshold is exceeded, a WTO is issued here, too.