ERBR3WFX - Monitor III Reporter WFEX Phase 3 Sample Exit

This procedure acts as phase 3 exit of the RMF™ Monitor III workflow exception report.
  • Procedure Wfex_Handler_1

    Whenever a new report is produced, this function checks whether exceptions have occurred or not. If they have, it calls module ERBCSWTO and issues a predefined message. If the current active MPF member is listening for this message, a GUI connection is initiated.

  • Procedure Wfex_Handler_2

    This function loops through the WFEX exception table and scans for the exception reasons "OPER-Message" and "Not avail". These are considered to be of minor severity, and are discounted.

    If exceptions remain, the Wfex_Handler_2 generates a WTO which contains the exception name, the reason, and the actual counter information.

  • Procedure Wfex_Handler_3

    This might be the preferred method, because of its flexibility.

    It tracks specific, predefined exceptions, and evaluates the worth of issuing a WTO, thereby initiating a GUI session.

    In the given example, either a CPU utilization of > 80% or an ESQA storage usage of > 60% will cause two messages with different message IDs.

    This allows you to tailor the further MPF processing according to the specific needs and task distribution within your installation. (See also Routing different events to different workstations.)