
RMFCS is designed to allow several users to monitor the z/OS system individually. Each user who wants to run this function just has to initialize the personal environment by taking the following steps:

  1. Customize ISPF C/S Session
    • Install ISPFCS code on your workstation (see description under ISPF 3.7 on your host system)
    • Start the WSA.EXE on your workstation


      Copy the WSA.EXE to your startup folder for permanent use

    • Verify the correct APPC or TCP/IP connection through a workstation connection of your ISPF session (under ISPF Settings / Workstation / Workstation Connection)
  2. Customize RMFCS Procedures
    • Create &HLQ.RMFCS.CLIST, ensuring that you have consistent data-set attributes for the SYSPROC concatenation in the RMFCSC procedure.
    • Copy REXX procedure ERBCSGUI into this data set and specify the address of your workstation:
      For APPC
      home_lu = "LU:NET_id.LU_id"         /* Provide your default LU here */
      For TCP/IP
      home_ip = "IP:IP_address"           /* Provide your default IP here */
      If you have both an APPC and a TCP/IP connection you can specify both addresses. By default, the APPC address will be chosen first. If the connection cannot be established, ERBCSGUI tries to establish the TCP/IP connection.

      If you do not have an APPC address, you should define home_lu = "", then the TCP/IP address is be chosen.

      RMFCSC is an ISPF background session, and needs a profile data set and a log data set.

    • Create the ISPPROF library &HLQ.ISPFCS.ISPPROF in the same format as your private userid.ISPF.ISPPROF (DSORG=PO, RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=3120)
  3. Ensure RACF® Authorization
    Ensure the appropriate RACF authorization for the started tasks.
    • Procedures RMFCSC and RMFM3B are defined to run as started tasks
      Note: Due to internal dependencies, these names of these tasks cannot be changed.
    • These tasks need access authority to the data sets that have been defined in the step Customize RMFCS Procedures. This can be gained, for example, by the following commands:
  4. Initialize Message-Initiated Monitoring
    • Define your MPFLSTxx member(s), for example:
  5. Initialize Exception-Initiated Monitoring

    This type of monitoring requires a Monitor III Reporter session running as batch job. Without special preparation, this job will monitor the system on the basis of exceptions that are generated by the Monitor III WFEX automatic customization.

    If you want to define other exceptions, you have to create a new data set with ISPF tables by calling procedure ERBM3BWX. This procedure performs similar steps to those in the following example. It assumes that:
    • You are working with TSO user ID TSO1
    • You have selected qualifier BAT1 for your RMFCS data sets
    1. Rename your current Monitor III table data set:
      ren RMFZR21.isptable rmftmp.isptable
    2. Start an RMF™ session. This results in the creation of a new table data set:
      rmf ERB0TABL dataset 'TSO1.RMFZR21.ISPTABLE' has been created.
    3. Start the Monitor III session and call the Workflow/Exceptions report WFEX, and you get the following report with the standard exceptions:
                              RMF V2R2  Workflow/Exceptions            Line 1 of 19
      Command ===> _                                                Scroll ===> HALF
      Samples: 100     System: L96S  Date: 04/04/15  Time: 15.31.40  Range: 100   Sec
      --------------------------- Speed (Workflow) ---------------------------------
                 Speed of 100 = Maximum, 0 = Stopped         Average CPU Util:  37 %
      Name       Users Active      Speed          Name       Users Active      Speed
      *SYSTEM      222     16         16          *DEV          24      1         74
      ALL TSO       57      2         93          *MASTER*       1      0         80
      ALL STC      134      2         23          TSOPROD       57      2         93
      ALL BATCH     30     12          2          BTCHPROD      30     12          2
      ALL ASCH       1      0    No work
      ALL OMVS                 Not avail
      *PROC         96      2         99
      ------------------------------ Exceptions -------------------------------------
      Name       Reason        Critical val. Possible cause or action
      ALL BATCH  OPER-Message   12.1 users   Awaiting reply to operator request 37.
      *SYSTEM    OPER-Message   13.9 users   Awaiting reply to operator request 90.
      BBRU#488   OPER-Message   98.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 78.
      BCCSNET    OPER-Message  100.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 15.
      BEBR#489   OPER-Message   92.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 37.
      BGFI#48A   OPER-Message   76.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 12.
      BJHA#48C   OPER-Message   98.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 60.
      BJMO#977   OPER-Message  100.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 95.
      BJOE#970   OPER-Message   68.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 29.
      BPSM#975   OPER-Message  100.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 99.
      BRUG#484   OPER-Message   98.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 25.
      BUAB#974   OPER-Message   83.0 % delay Awaiting reply to operator request 86.
    4. After entering the command RO, you get the Report Options panel:
                       RMF WFEX Report Options: Action Panel            Line 1 of 23
      Command ===> _                                                Scroll ===> HALF
      Enter Action Code in the Action Column. To exit press END.
      Action Codes:  Select    (S)    Copy   (C)    Move        (M)    Before  (B)
                     Add      (AD)    Delete (D)    Move Block (MM)    After   (A)
      Action   Class    Qualifier  Indicator  Label         Row  Position
        __     Only Add (AD) and After (A) are valid on this line.
        __     SYSTEM              WF                        1       1
        __     TSO                 WF                        1       2
        __     STC                 WF                        1       3
        __     BATCH    ALL        WF                        1       4
        __     ASCH                WF                        1       5
        __     OMVS                WF                        1       6
        __     PROC                WF                        1       7
        __     DEV      ALL        WF                        2       1
        __     JOB      *MASTER*   WF                        2       2
        __     SRVCLS   TSOPROD    WF                        2       3
        __     SRVCLS   BTCHPROD   WF                        2       4
        __     SYSTEM              EX-ANY
        __     JOB                 EX-UNAVAIL
        __     STOR                EX-AVG
        __     STOR                EX-AVG
        __     STOR                EX-AVG     *STOR
    5. Now, you can delete the exceptions you do not need (command D), and you can define new exceptions (command AD). This leads you to this definition panel:
                      RMF WFEX Report Options: Definition and Criteria
      Command ===> _
      Enter or edit information below. To view a list of criteria name values,
      place the cursor in a blank "Name" field and press ENTER.
      Exception will be displayed if all criteria of one color in a set are met.
      Class      ===>  ______       For example: SYSTEM, BATCH, JOB, DEV, STC, SRVCLS
      Qualifier  ===>  ________     For example: Jobname, volume serial, job class
      Indicator  ===>  __________   WF, EX-ANY, EX-AVG, EX-GROUP or EX-UNAVAIL
      Label      ===>  __________   Label for workflow monitor or exception line
      Alert      ===>  _____        Alerting signal: BLINK, BEEP, BOTH, NONE
      Text       ===>  ______________________________________ Leave blank for default
          Criteria set 1              Criteria set 2              Criteria set 3
      Name   <>   Yel   Red       Name   <>   Yel   Red       Name   <>   Yel   Red
      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____
      _____  __   ____  ____  or  _____  __   ____  ____  or  _____  __   ____  ____
      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____
      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____
      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____
      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____
      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____      _____  __   ____  ____
    6. When you have completed all definitions, you can leave the RMF monitoring session, and rename the data set correctly:
      ren RMFZR21.isptable 'bat1.rmfm3b.isptable'
      ren rmftmp.isptable RMFZR21.isptable
      This ensures that your Monitor III batch session can run with the definitions in data set BAT1.RMFM3B.ISPTABLE.

      Please note that the exceptions have to be defined very carefully, to ensure that only an really severe condition will produce an exception line. Care is essential, because even one single exception line will initiate the GUI connection.

    All exception handling of the WFEX report will be done under control of the WFEX exception handler ERBR3WFX. A sample of this procedure is part of the RMFCS package (see REXX procedure ERBR3WFX). By default, it issues the WTO message:
    for MPF processing.