Name pattern

Optionally, one or more name patterns in the form of a simple expression to be matched against the names in the list of name-value pairs of the multi-valued metric can be entered in this field.

The following rules apply to this definition:
  • ? - one character
  • * - zero, one, or several characters
  • If the name contains an '*' (for example, *MASTER*), each * must be preceded by a back slash
Example: You want to define a filter that will accept the following job names:
  • *MASTER*
  • All BAxx, where xx is any two characters
  • All starting with CIC
  • All with HOT somewhere in the name
You have to specify in the entry field:
Note: The '\' in '\*' means: take * as a character, and not as a character string of any length (wildcard).

A list of valid names to be used as patterns is provided. It may take some time for the program to bring up a long list of these names for the first time. When the selection list is available, the entry field can be filled in by selecting items from the list. Selected items are concatenated with │ in the entry field. The entry field can be edited.

Clicking Refresh will receive a refreshed selection list from the host.