Control Panel

The Control Panel allows you to:
  • Select the range of the Series to be saved or zoomed
  • Select one or more (if single values) Series to be plotted.
  • Select (for value-lists) the value name for which the Series should be plotted.
The areas from top to bottom are:
  • The range selection, composed of:
    • The From spinbutton, which allows to adjust to the time-stamp of the first sample in the Series be saved or zoomed. Changing the time-stamp will change the start point in the Range-Bar and the number of samples.
    • The # Samples in the selected range.
    • The To spinbutton, which allows to adjust to the time-stamp of the last sample of the Series to be saved or zoomed. Changing the time-stamp will change the ending point in the Range-Bar and the number of samples.
  • The Zoom button (if there are at least 11 values in the range), used to expand the dark part of the Range-Bar into the entire plot area. Note, that when pressed, its label changes to Total to indicate that by pressing the button again, the total Series can be shown.
  • The Series listbox. Note, that this listbox will appear only if the DataView has more than one Series.

    The effect of selecting a Series is that it is shown in the Plot Area.

    If the Series are Value-lists, then initially the first Series is selected. Selecting another Value-list Series causes the value name with the highest maximum value to be shown. See Value Name lists below for how to select other value names.

    If the Series has Single-Values (not Value-lists) then all Series are selected initially. Deselect Series you do not wish to see in the plot.

  • The Value Name lists. Note, that these list boxes will only appear if the DataView contains Series with Value-lists.

    Both lists contain value names. For example, if the selected Series legend is % delay by job, then the names in the list boxes are job names.

    The first list box contains value names sorted by maximum values in descending order. For example, list item BWSC(30) means that the maximum delay detected for job BWSC was 30%.

    The second list box contains value names sorted by average values in descending order. For example, list item BWSC(2.5) means that job BWSC experienced a delay of 2.5% on average.

    If you select a name from either list, the values for that name are plotted over time. Deselecting withdraws the plot for the name. For example, selecting BWSC will show the % delay for job BWSC over the entire time range. The maximum (30%) will be marked by a triangle pointing upwards.