Series plot area

In this area, the values of Series are plotted over time. The parts in this area from top to bottom are:
  • Line plots of one or more values plotted over time. Triangles pointing upwards indicate maximum values, and those pointing downwards indicate minimum values. The plotted values belong to one or more Series, described by legends below the x-axis.
  • A horizontal Range-Bar below the x-axis indicates which range of values can be saved or zoomed.

    By changing the time-stamps in the From and To spinbuttons of the Control Panel, the range can be limited. Therefore, only the values lining up above the remaining dark-gray area will be saved or zoomed.

  • Below the Range-Bar, two time-stamps are shown. If not zoomed, these are the time-stamps of
    • the first sample taken
    • the current last sample taken.
    If zoomed, these are the time-stamps of:
    • the first sample to be saved
    • the last sample to be saved.
  • Below the time-stamps, the Series legends are shown.
    • For Series containing Value-lists only one common legend is shown, because only one Series can be selected for one or more value names. The Series for each value name is represented by a different color.

      When the dialog pops up, the first Series is shown, but any other Series can be selected in the Series listbox of Control Panel.

    • For Series containing single values, more than one Series can be selected.

      When the dialog pops up, all Series are shown, but any of them can be eliminated from the plot by deselecting the legend in the Series listbox of Control Panel.