Series definition dialog

This dialog will pop up when you:
  • Create a DataView...
  • Add a Series to a DataView...
  • Use the path File - New - Series...
It basically allows you to add Series to a DataView. Here you specify all details which are required to sample data on the monitored system like the Sysplex, the Resource, or the Metric, to form a Series definition.

If you have selected a Resource in the Resources notebook page, all you need to select is a Metric, because the Resource is preselected. Otherwise, you will be prompted to select a Resource.

The areas in the dialog from top to bottom are:
  • Sysplex and Resource: You cannot change directly these fields by overtyping them. If you need another selection, you can specify this in the Resources notebook page.
  • Metric Types radio buttons
  • Metrics list
  • Buttons: Add - Done - Metric Help - Help