Creating a DataView

For adding a DataView to a PerfDesk, you select New DataView... from the context menu either of an open PerfDesk in the PerfDesks notebook page or of a PerfDesk in the Open PerfDesks window. This will start the New DataView - Properties dialog, which offers you an input field to specify the Title of the DataView. Furthermore:
  • You can select whether you want to have a fixed scale in the DataView, or whether you prefer rescaling of the DataView depending on the values of the measurement data (check Rescale automatically).
  • You can specify whether you want the Series to be displayed as vertical or horizontal bars.
Clicking Ok leads you to the Series Definition dialog where you can define the metrics of the Series that you want to add to the DataView.

Using File - New - DataView... will also lead you to this process.

Note: For defining a Series, it is necessary that you have selected a resource in the Resources notebook page. If this is not the case, you will get the message Select a Resource of the correct type. Now, you have to Close the dialog and to select the resource of your interest in the Resources notebook page.

Having in mind the above note, you also can use a resource as starting point of the above described process:
  • You select a resource in the Resources notebook page and get the context menu for defining a DataView.
  • If the resource of your interest is currently not displayed, you can use the path Actions - Find I/O Resource... which leads you to the Find I/O Resource dialog where you can specify the resource. This might be of special interest if you are looking for a specific volume which normally is not displayed in the Resources notebook page due to the large number of volumes in a sysplex. Therefore, this alternate path could be the faster way to find a volume for creating a new DataView with performance data for this specific volume.

    Another function of this dialog is to display the properties of a specific resource.

Both ways will lead you to the New DataView - Properties dialog.