Exporting and Importing a PerfDesk

If you want to transfer PerfDesks to another user or another PC, you may use the export functionality of RMF PM.

Invoke this function via File - Export PerfDesk... to export a single PerfDesk. RMF PM asks you for a file name where the exported PerfDesk description will be saved.

Alternatively you may use the Export ... option from the context menu of a PerfDesk which exports this current PerfDesk.

In the same way, you may import previously exported PerfDesk descriptions into a PerfDesk folder by using File - Import PerfDesks... which lets you select multiple files to be imported in one step. Importing PerfDesk descriptions from explicitly selected files into a PerfDesk folder can also be done via the Import ... option from the context menu of a PerfDesk folder.

To export all PerfDesks from an existing PerfDesk folder at once, use the Export Folder ... option from the PerfDesk folder context menu. This function exports all PerfDesks from this folder into files in a target directory. The file names are derived from the PerfDesk names.

If you use the Import Folder ... option from the PerfDesk folder context menu, you must select a directory containing PerfDesk descriptions, all of which are then imported into the PerfDesk folder.