Virtual Storage Activity - SMF record type 78-2

If you use the conditions listed in Table 1 to define thresholds in EXCEPT statements, you must specify the values in Kbytes, for example, to define an SQA expansion condition with a threshold of 16384 bytes, specify:
Table 1. Virtual Storage Activity - Conditions Based on SMF Record Type 78-2
Condition Condition Name Qualifier Source Algorithm
Maximum amount of allocated CSA below the 16-megabyte line in bytes CSAA none R782CSAU Value or comparison
Minimum size of largest free block - CSA in bytes CSAFB none R782CSLF Value or comparison
Minimum number of free CSA bytes below the 16-megabyte line CSAFP none R782CSAF Value or comparison
Maximum amount of allocated SQA below the 16-megabyte line in bytes SQAA none R782SQAU Value or comparison
Maximum amount of SQA expansion into CSA in bytes SQAE none R782SQEX Value or comparison
Minimum size of largest free block - SQA in bytes SQAFB none R782SQLF Value or comparison
Minimum number of free SQA bytes below the 16-megabyte line SQAFP none R782SQAF Value or comparison