Paging Activity - SMF record type 71

Table 1. Paging Activity - Conditions Based on SMF Record Type 71
Condition Condition Name Qualifier Source Algorithm
Size of central storage (K) STORAGE none SMF71TFC SMF71FIN TFC+FIN
Number of page faults per second PAGERT none SMF71PIN SMF71INT PIN/INT
Demand paging per second DPAGRT none SMF71PIN SMF71POT SMF71INT (PIN+POT)/INT
Percent successful swap-out PLSWAPOU none SMF71TOT(k) SMF71AXD(k) SMF71ESD(k) SMF71LES(k) SMF71LAX(k) (TOT(k)-AXD(k)-ESD(k) -LES(k)-LAX(k))*100 /(TOT(k)-AXD(k)-ESD(K))
Maximum number of SQA fixed frames MXSQA none SMF71MXQ Value or comparison
Average number of SQA fixed frames AVGSQA none SMF71AVQ Value or comparison
Maximum number of CSA fixed-frames MXCSAF none SMF71MXC Value or comparison
Average number of CSA fixed frames AVGCSAF none SMF71AVC Value or comparison
Maximum number of central storage CSA frames MXCSAT none SMF71MXP Value or comparison
Average number of central storage CSA frames AVGCSAT none SMF71AVP Value or comparison
Maximum number of VIO allocated local page data set slots MAXVIOF none SMF71MXV Value or comparison
Average number of VIO allocated local page data set slots AVGVIOF none SMF71LVV Value or comparison
Page move rate PGMVRT none SMF71PMV SMF71INT PMV/INT
Average high unreferenced interval count for central storage frames AVGHUIC none SMF71UAC Value or comparison
Maximum high unreferenced interval count for central storage frames MXHUIC none SMF71UHC Value or comparison
Page movement rate to expanded storage PTES none SMF71PES PES/INT
Minimum number of available CS frames CSTORAVM none SMF71CAM Value or comparison
Maximum number of available CS frames CSTORAVX none SMF71CAX Value or comparison
Average number of available CS frames CSTORAVA none SMF71CAA Value or comparison
Minimum number of low-impact CS frames CSTORLIM none SMF71CLM Value or comparison
Maximum number of low-impact CS frames CSTORLIX none SMF71CLX Value or comparison
Average number of low-impact CS frames CSTORLIA none SMF71CLA Value or comparison
Minimum number of medium-impact CS frames CSTORMIM none SMF71CMM Value or comparison
Maximum number of medium-impact CS frames CSTORMIX none SMF71CMX Value or comparison
Average number of medium-impact CS frames CSTORMIA none SMF71CMA Value or comparison
Minimum number of high-impact CS frames CSTORHIM none SMF71CHM Value or comparison
Maximum number of high-impact CS frames CSTORHIX none SMF71CHX Value or comparison
Average number of high-impact CS frames CSTORHIA none SMF71CHA Value or comparison
Minimum number of VIO pages in central storage RSVIOM none SMF71MVI Value or comparison
Maximum number of VIO pages in central storage RSVIOX none SMF71XVI Value or comparison
Average number of VIO pages in central storage RSVIOA none SMF71AVI Value or comparison
Minimum number of hiperspace pages in central storage RSHSPM none SMF71MHI Value or comparison
Maximum number of hiperspace pages in central storage RSHSPX none SMF71XHI Value or comparison
Average number of hiperspace pages in central storage RSHSPA none SMF71AHI Value or comparison
Number of VIO pages written to central storage RSVIOW none SMF71VWS Value or comparison
Number of VIO pages read from central storage RSVIOR none SMF71VRS Value or comparison
Number of hiperspace pages written to central storage RSHSPW none SMF71HWS Value or comparison
Number of hiperspace pages read from central storage RSHSPR none SMF71HRS Value or comparison
Minimum number of pages fixed between 16MB and 2GB FXBETWM none SMF71MFB Value or comparison
Maximum number of pages fixed between 16MB and 2GB FXBETWX none SMF71XFB Value or comparison
Average number of pages fixed between 16MB and 2GB FXBETWA none SMF71AFB Value or comparison
Average number of shared page groups in the system SHRPT none SMF71AGT Value or comparison
Average number of shared page groups in central storage SHRPC none SMF71AGC Value or comparison
Average number of shared page groups in auxiliary storage SHRPA none SMF71AGA Value or comparison
Average number of shared pages fixed SHRPF none SMF71AGF Value or comparison
Average number of shared pages fixed below 16 MB SHRPB none SMF71AGB Value or comparison
Number of page-ins from Auxiliary Storage for shared pages SHRPI none SMF71ASI Value or comparison
Number of page-outs to Auxiliary Storage for shared pages SHRPO none SMF71ASO Value or comparison
Average number of shared pages in the system with a virtual storage address above the bar SHRPTH none SMF71PTH Value or comparison
Average number of shared pages in Central Storage with a virtual storage address above the bar SHRPCH none SMF71PCH Value or comparison
Average number of shared pages in Auxiliary Storage with a virtual storage address above the 2GB bar SHRPAH none SMF71PAH Value or comparison
Peak number of shared pages from virtual storage above the 2GB bar SHRPBLG none SMF71BLG Value or comparison
Number of page-ins from Auxiliary Storage for shared pages with a virtual storage address above the bar SHRPIH none SMF71PIH Value or comparison
Number of page-outs to Auxiliary Storage for shared pages with a virtual storage address above the bar SHRPOH none SMF71POH Value or comparison
Average number of memory objects allocated in the high virtual common storage of the system CMOA none SMF71COA Value or comparison
Average number of memory objects allocated in the high virtual shared storage of the system SMOA none SMF71SOA Value or comparison
Average number of shared memory objects that are allocated in the system and can be backed in 1 MB frames SMO1MA none SMF71S2A Value or comparison
Average number of fixed memory objects that are allocated in the system and can be backed in 1 MB frames LMOA none SMF71LOA Value or comparison
Average number of 1 MB pages fixed in central storage LFRA none SMF71LRA Value or comparison
Average number of pages from high virtual common storage that are backed in central storage (in units of 4 KB) CFRA none SMF71CRA Value or comparison
Average number of high virtual common memory 1 MB pages that are backed in central storage CFR1MA none SMF71C3A Value or comparison
Average number of fixed pages from high virtual common storage that are backed in central storage (in units of 4 KB) CFFRA none SMF71CFA Value or comparison
Average number of high virtual common memory 1 MB pages that are fixed in central storage CFFR1MA none SMF71C2A Value or comparison
Average number of pages from high virtual shared storage that are backed in central storage (in units of 4 KB) SFRA none SMF71SRA Value or comparison
Average number of high virtual shared memory 4K pages that are backed in central storage SFR4KA none SMF71S3A Value or comparison
Average number of high virtual shared memory 1 MB pages that are backed in central storage SFR1MA none SMF71S4A Value or comparison
Average number of auxiliary storage slots used for high virtual common pages backed on DASD CAUXSA none SMF71CSA Value or comparison
Total number of logical swaps LSWAPTOT none SMF71TLS Value or comparison
Total number of 1 MB frames that can be used by fixed memory objects LFFRTA none SMF71L1A Value or comparison
Average number of 1 MB frames in the Large Frame Area that are in-use by fixed memory objects LFFRUA none SMF71L3A Value or comparison
Total number of 1 MB frames that can be used by pageable and DREF memory objects LPFRTA none SMF71L4A Value or comparison
Average number of 1 MB frames that are not in-use by pageable and DREF memory objects LPFRAA none SMF71L5A Value or comparison
Average number of 1 MB frames that are in-use by pageable and DREF memory objects LPFRUA none SMF71L6A Value or comparison
Average number of 1 MB frames in the Large Frame Area that are not in-use LFFRNUA none SMF71L7A Value or comparison
Average total number of high virtual shared storage pages SFRTA none SMF71S1A Value or comparison
Average number of auxiliary storage slots used for high virtual shared pages that are backed on DASD SAUXSA none SMF71S5A Value or comparison
Average number of auxiliary storage slots used for high virtual shared pages that are backed on SCM storage SAUXSSA none SMF71S6A Value or comparison
Average total number of high virtual common storage pages CFRTA none SMF71C1A Value or comparison
Average number of auxiliary storage slots used for high virtual common memory pages that are backed on SCM storage CAUXSSA none SMF71C4A Value or comparison
Average number of shared memory pages backed on SCM storage SHRPASCM none SMF71S7A Value or comparison