Postprocessor Options panel

When you have completed the Postprocessor Setup panel with input, profile and job control data, you will see the Postprocessor Options panel that allows you to specify report options:

Figure 1. Postprocessor Options panel
                          RMF - Postprocessor Options

 Reporting (DATE) Start ===> __ . ___       End ===> __ . ___       yy.ddd
               or Start ===> 01 / 01 / 1958 End ===> 12 / 31 / 2057 mm/dd/yyyy
 Duration  (DINTV)      ===> __ : __
 Exception (ETOD) Start ===> 00 : 00        End ===> 24 : 00  hh:mm
 Interval  (RTOD) Start ===> 00 : 00        End ===> 24 : 00  hh:mm
 Summary   (STOD) Start ===> 00 : 00        End ===> 24 : 00  hh:mm

 Summary   (SUMMARY)    ===> INT,TOT       NO, INT, TOT, or TOT,INT
 Overview  (OVERVIEW)   ===> _____________ RECORD, REPORT (or both)

 DELTA     ===> NO_  YES or NO
 EXITS     ===> NO_  YES or NO      SESSION   ===> __   Session ID Monitor II
 SYSOUT    ===> A    Sysout Class   SYSID     ===> ____ System identifier

 To (edit and) submit Postprocessor job, press ENTER.
 To return to previous panel, press END.
 To return to the Postprocessor Setup Menu, enter CANCEL.

Command ===>
Here you can enter:
  • The start and end dates of the reporting period
  • The time value for the duration report
  • The time ranges for the reports which require them
  • The scope of the Summary report
  • The output type of the Overview report
  • Values for miscellaneous options, with a prompt text to remind you of the valid format for each

From your entered data, RMF™ generates job control statements. If you have requested to edit the generated JCL, you will enter edit mode when pressing ENTER, otherwise the job will be submitted.

You can use the following commands on this panel:
Reset all parameters to the default values
Save all values you have entered (if you do not want to submit the job)