Delta Mode Report

A delta report reflects changes in the activity shown in any report type. Its reporting interval is the time between two consecutive Monitor II requests.

To enter delta mode, type D on the command line, and press ENTER. This establishes the base for reporting, but does not request a report.

To request the first delta report, press ENTER again. The reporting interval is the time between the last total report and this first delta report, and the data reflects the change in activity within this interval. If no reports of this type have yet been requested in the current Monitor II session, the first delta report shows null values ('--') in the measurement columns.

To request further delta reports, just press ENTER each time. In each subsequent report in delta mode, the data reflects the change in activity since the previous report.

If a Monitor II interval expires between two consecutive Monitor II requests, no data is reported, and RMF™ prompts you to press ENTER.

To return to total mode, enter the command D OFF on the command line.