Data Index options

Figure 1. Data Index Options Panel
                         RMF Data Index Options
 Command ===>

 Change or verify parameters. Press END to save and end.

    DDNAMES/DSNAMES  ==> YES      Include DDNAMES / DSNAMES information (YES NO)
    Sort Order       ==> ASCEND   Sort data set names (ASCEND DESCEND)
The Data Index has two options: the DDNAMES/DSNAMES and the Sort Order options.
Allows switching between a panel listing data set names, as shown in Figure 1, and a panel giving a condensed list of systems belonging to the sysplex, as shown in Figure 1.
Sort Order
Specifies the sort order of the displayed data sets.

The sort criteria are at first the System ID and within each system the end date/time of the available data.

If more rows than one with the same system ID exist, the usable data sets that are not empty are listed first, then the empty data sets, and finally the unusable data sets. The usable data sets that are not empty are sorted by the end time of the stored data.