Check the program properties table (PPT)

z/OS provides two default entries in the PPT for the RMF™ modules ERBMFMFC and ERB3GMFC. You should run with the defaults provided in the PPT, or the results will be unpredictable. The default entries include:

Any user modifications to those entries require to specify a PPT entry for ERBMFMFC and ERB3GMFC in a SCHEDxx parmlib member, which must include the RMF defaults and user overrides. Here is an SCHEDxx example:

/* PPT Entry for RMF (RMF Control/Monitor I)            */
PPT PGMNAME(ERBMFMFC)          /*PROGRAM NAME           */
    CANCEL                     /*CAN BE CANCELLED       */
    NOSWAP                     /*NON-SWAPPABLE          */
    NODSI                      /*NO DATA SET INTEGRITY  */
    PASS                       /*NO PASSWORD BYPASS     */
    SYST                       /*SYSTEM TASK, NOT TIMED */
    AFF(NONE)                  /*NO PROCESSOR AFFINITY  */
/* PPT Entry for RMFGAT (Monitor III data gatherer)     */
PPT PGMNAME(ERB3GMFC)          /*PROGRAM NAME           */
    CANCEL                     /*CAN BE CANCELLED       */
    NOSWAP                     /*NON-SWAPPABLE          */
    NODSI                      /*NO DATA SET INTEGRITY  */
    PASS                       /*NO PASSWORD BYPASS     */
    SYST                       /*SYSTEM TASK, NOT TIMED */
    AFF(NONE)                  /*NO PROCESSOR AFFINITY  */
Note: Do not specify a protection key for these entries.