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Specifies cache activity measurement. When you specify CACHE, or allow the default value to take effect, RMF™ gathers activity data for cache control units (there is no support for 3880 control units). The gathered data is stored in SMF records type 74 subtype 5.

Cache controller data is gathered by individual device address. There is no indication of which system in the sysplex initiates a recorded event. Therefore, the data can be gathered on any system sharing the cached devices. To avoid having duplicated data, you should gather cache activity data on one system only. Refer to "Example that shows how to set up gathering options" in Generalizing parmlib members, which shows how to set up gathering options.

To suppress the gathering of cache data, specify NOCACHE.

RMF does no real-time reporting of cache activity, so if you wish to monitor this activity, the gatherer option RECORD must also be in effect for the session. The RECORD option takes effect by default.