When you use automatic customization

If you use automatic workflow/exceptions (WFEX) customization, RMF™ creates or selects option sets for you. If you specified Customization YES on the Session Options panel, RMF automatically selects the option set listed under Recommended Option Set and makes it current. When automatic customization selects the current option set, all options, not only the WFEX report options, are switched.

With automatic customization, every time data is retrieved from the data gatherer, RMF checks that the options set name and the system ID of the data match the option set name and the system ID of the current option set.

If the option set name and the system ID match, processing continues under the current option set. If the option set name and the system ID do not match, RMF does one of the following:
  • If an option set exists whose name and system ID match the option set name and system id of the data from the data gatherer, RMF selects that option set and makes it current.
  • If no option set exists with a matching name, RMF creates a new option set and makes it current. For option set name, RMF uses the name of the active service policy. RMF sets the options for all reports, except the WFEX and GROUP reports, from the previous option set that was in effect.
Note: The automatic customization can be performed only if you have access authority to the Parmlib data set. Otherwise, you will get an error message and Monitor III will continue with its default options.