Data link control (DLC) status codes

DLC status codes provide information about errors that are encountered during the use of high performance data transfer (HPDT) services. They are displayed in some messages and in the IUTx VIT entry.

DLC status codes are 4 bytes long. The bytes contain the following information:
Reporting layer identifier and location
2 and 3
Completion code

The following tables show the possible values that can appear in each byte and their meaning.

Table 1. Byte 0 (category) of the DLC status code
Hexadecimal Value Meaning
X'00' Request successful

Explanation: The specific primitive has been processed with no error. The receiver of this primitive successfully forwarded or replied to this primitive successfully.

Note: The completion code could have informational errors.
X'08' Request rejected

Explanation: All aspects of the primitive were understood but a transitory system or network error occurred which prevented the execution of this request. An example of this could be storage shortage.

Note: This category is one that an upper layer protocol (ULP) might choose to try the failed primitive again.

X'10' Request error

Explanation: This primitive was rejected due to inaccurate information in the primitive (for example, incorrect token, incorrect information element).

X'20' State error

Explanation: A primitive was received "out of order."

X'40' Usage error

Explanation: Primitive rejected due to incorrect use of either the primitive itself or a parameter that is associated with the primitive.

X'80' Permanent error

Explanation: Request rejected due to failure of either a system or network function.

Table 2. Byte 1 (reporting layer identifier and location) of the DLC status code
Hexadecimal Value Meaning
X'10' LLC layer local error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the local VTAM®.

X'20' LLC layer path error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the local VTAM while trying to send a primitive out on an MPC group.

X'30' LLC layer remote error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the remote VTAM. This value should be used when a remote VTAM is sending common status back to an adjacent host.

X'12' Port Control Manager (PCM) local error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the IBM® Open System Adapter's PCM.

X'22' Port Control Manager path-related error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the IBM Open System Adapter's PCM while trying to send a primitive out on an MPC group or sending a primitive to the ATM network.

X'32' Port Control Manager remote error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the remote node; for example, the local ATM switch experienced a failure.

X'1C' Service-specific component local error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by a service-specific component part of the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) sublayer.

X'2C' Service-specific component path-related error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by a service-specific component part of the AAL sublayer, while trying to send a primitive to the ATM network.

X'3C' Service-specific component remote error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by the remote node; for example, the local ATM switch experienced a failure.

X'1A' Common-part component local error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by a common-part component that includes the ATM layer function and non-service-specific sublayers of the AAL layer.

X'2A' Common-part component path-related error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by a common-part component that includes the ATM layer function and non-service-specific sublayers of the AAL layer while trying to send a primitive to the ATM network.

X'3A' Common-part component remote error

Explanation: A primitive was processed and an error was found by a remote partner in its common-part component that includes the ATM layer function and non-service-specific sublayers of the AAL layer.

Table 3. Bytes 2 and 3 (completion code) of the DLC status code
Hexadecimal Code Meaning
X'00nn' n/a

Explanation: Codes starting with X'00' are specific to the VTAM product implementation.

X'0000' Successful

Explanation: The primitive completed successfully.

X'0001' Initialization failure

Explanation: A failure occurred during the initialization of support code. Notify VTAM operator to determine cause of failure.

X'0018' VTAM is not available

Explanation: Request returned as a result of VTAM termination. Termination might be normal due to an operator initiated action or due to some abnormal condition.

X'0021' Connection constructor error

Explanation: Failure occurred during the construction of the connection object. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause and possible corrective actions.

X'0022' State error

Explanation: Failure occurred during the execution of the request due to a state error indicating a protocol violation. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause of inconsistency and possible corrective actions.

X'0023' TRLE activation/deactivation state error

Explanation: User issued an activate or deactivation request and an internal state error was encountered.

X'0024' Provider ID error

Explanation: Provider ID supplied on the primitive is either incorrect or cannot be found. Condition indicates an interface inconsistency. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause of inconsistency and possible corrective actions.

X'0025' Selective Retransmit Not Supported

Explanation: A request to set up a connection was received, and Selective Retransmit service was requested for that connection. Selective Retransmit is not supported now, so the request was rejected. Condition indicates that the remote partner expects Selective Retransmit, which might be a configuration mismatch. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause of inconsistency and possible corrective actions.

X'0027' OpenPathReq error

Explanation: Internal command OPENPATH_request, which causes the initial activation of the channel paths and either the XID or IDX exchange, failed. Failure might be due to a channel problem or an error condition that is discovered during the initial activation sequence. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause and possible corrective actions. It might also be necessary to notify the operator of the platform containing the remote MPC instance.

X'0029' DactPathReq error

Explanation: Internal command DACTPATH_request, which causes the termination of an MPC group, failed for some reason. MPC will complete system takedown of the group but the user should notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause and possible corrective actions. Failure to take corrective action might lead to the inability to reactivate the path.

X'002A' ActPathRsp error

Explanation: Internal command ACTPATH_response, which causes the allocation of devices and the construction of the MPC environment, failed. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause and possible corrective actions.

X'002B' OpenPathRsp error

Explanation: Internal command OPENPATH_response, which causes the initial activation of the channel paths and either the XID or IDX exchange, failed. Failure might be due to a channel problem or an error condition that is discovered during the initial activation sequence. Notify the VTAM operator of the failure to determine cause and possible corrective actions. It might also be necessary to notify the operator of the platform containing the remote MPC instance.

X'002F' MPC connection does not support high performance data transfer.

Explanation: Either the local definitions or the remote partner does not support high performance data transfer data interface. Check Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) and VTAM definitions for possible mismatch.

X'0030' Storage error

Explanation: Storage incorrect or not obtainable.

X'0040' INOP-deact SAP

Explanation: SAP becomes inoperative.

X'0041' INOP-connection

Explanation: Data connection becomes inoperative.

X'0042' INOP-signaling connection

Explanation: Signaling connection becomes inoperative.

X'0043' INOP-device

Explanation: Local device becomes inoperative.

X'0044' INOP-soft

Explanation: The connection or MPC group is inoperative; however, recovery of the connection is possible.

X'0045' INOP-hard

Explanation: The connection or MPC group is inoperative, and is not expected to recover without intervention.

X'0046' Incorrect token

Explanation: User specified an incorrect token on a data connection.

X'0047' Incorrect token

Explanation: Internally specified token incorrect.

X'0048' Duplicate data activation request

Explanation: ULP has sent multiple data activation requests for a single connection.

X'0049' Selector value error

Explanation: A primitive was processed that specified a selector that did not match the selector of the provider token that was received.

X'004A' Protocol value error

Explanation: A primitive was processed that did not specify a known protocol value.

X'004B' VCNAME value error

Explanation: A primitive was processed that did not specify a known virtual circuit value.

X'0050' Multiple TCP/IP instances trying to register filters for incoming calls

Explanation: Multiple TCP/IPs requested identical filter values.

X'0051' Buffer size error

Explanation: An activation SAP request was issued with an incorrect bufsize, or an incorrect combination of buffer size and buffer number for a TCP/IP read or write device.

X'0052' Missing XBFL

Explanation: An attempt was made to execute a data primitive and an XBFL (extended buffer list) was not provided. An XBFL is required for data primitives.

X'0053' Empty XBFL

Explanation: An XBFL was provided for a data primitive that has no entries within the list; for example, XBFLBEGN=0.

X'0054' Incorrect XBFL entry

Explanation: An XBFL was provided for a data primitive that has an incorrect entry within the list (for example, XBFLAREA=0).

X'0055' Packet and XBFL length mismatch

Explanation: An XBFL was provided for a data primitive where the total length of all entries does not match the packet length.

X'0056' XBFL free option not specified

Explanation: An XBFL was provided for a data primitive where the XBFL free option (XBFL_FREE_OPT) was not specified. The free option is required for all data primitives.

X'0057' Incorrect packet length

Explanation: The packet length was 0 or too large; for example, exceeds the defined values for the device.

X'0058' Incorrect parameter list version

Explanation: The parameter list version is incorrect.

X'0060' Connection not active

Explanation: The data activation request for a specific connection was received before the connection was active.

X'0061' Data not enabled with data activation request

Explanation: Data activation request has not been received so data cannot be processed.

X'0062' Class value error

Explanation: A primitive was processed that does not specify a known class value.

X'0063' Control value error

Explanation: A primitive was processed that does not specify a known control value which is permitted for this primitive.

X'0064' MPC Group in Use

Explanation: An MPC group is defined as EXCLUSIVE USE (MPCUSAGE = EXC on TRLE), and is already in use. Activation is rejected.

X'0065' iQDIO Prohibited

Explanation: iQDIO activation is prohibited by VTAM start option IQDCHPID = NONE.

X'0066' iQDIO CHPID Ambiguous

Explanation: iQDIO activation is not allowed due to an ambiguous configuration with specifying IQDCHPID = ANY (default), and configuring (HCD/IOCDS) multiple IQD CHPIDs to this logical partition (LPAR). When IQDCHPID = ANY is specified (or defaulted) only one IQD CHPID can be configured for this LPAR.

If multiple IQD CHPIDs must be configured to this LPAR, then define IQDCHPID = 'HEXCHPID' (the specific hex IQDCHPID that this LPAR should use).

X'0067' iQDIO or QDIO Devices Not Available

Explanation: An attempt was made to build a dynamic TRLE for a QDIO OSA-Express® device or a HiperSockets™ device, but VTAM could not find the minimum number of required subchannel devices (CUAs) for the device. For a HiperSockets device, at least 3 CUAs are required to the same HiperSockets CHPID. For a QDIO OSA-Express device, the OSA-Express CHPID must be configured with 2 consecutive device addresses beginning with an even number for the control channels, and at least one additional device address for a DATAPATH channel. Verify the HCD or IOCDS configuration for accuracy for this logical partition (LPAR).

X'0068' iQDIO CHPID Conflict

Explanation: The user defined an iQDIO device CHPID and it conflicts with the sysplex IQD CHPID. This is defined by the IQDCHPID start option and is used for DYNAMICXCF communication. For more information, see the IQDCHPID start option in z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference.

X'0069' Processor not iQDIO capable

Explanation: The user attempted to activate an iQDIO device and the processor does not support iQDIO devices.

X'006A' iQDIO IQD CHPID multiple channel subsystem error

Explanation: Multiple channel subsystem capable machine but the Internal Channel ID (CHID) is not available.

X'006B' Frame invalidation mismatch

Explanation: Frame invalidation is not supported by the stack that is issuing ActSap and frame invalidation was enabled by the first stack to issue ActSap.

X'006C' Too many input queues requested by the stack

Explanation: The stack specified more input queues than supported.

X'006D' Input queue ID out of range

Explanation: An internal Communications Server error occurred.

X'006E' Input queue ID not registered

Explanation: An internal Communications Server error occurred.

X'006F' QDIO or IQDIO CHPID Not Available

Explanation: An attempt was made to build a dynamic TRLE for a QDIO OSA-Express device or a HiperSockets device, and a CHPID for this device could not be found. If the CHPID was configured, for example on an MPCIPA HiperSockets device statement or using the CHPID parameter on an OSA-Express QDIO Interface statement, that particular CHPID was not defined to the system. If the CHPID was searched for dynamically, for example activating a dynamic IUTIQDIO link for HiperSockets with VTAM start option IQDCHPID=ANY or an OSA-Express OSM device, a CHPID for that particular channel type was not defined to the system. Verify the configured CHPID parameter or the HCD or IOCDS configuration for accuracy for this logical partition (LPAR).

X'0070' QDIO device control channels not available

Explanation: An attempt was made to build a dynamic TRLE for a QDIO OSA-Express device. A CHPID was found, but two consecutively numbered device addresses beginning with an even number could not be found. For QDIO OSA-Express devices, an even-numbered device address is required for the READ control channel, and the next consecutive odd address for the WRITE control channel. Verify the HCD or IOCDS configuration for accuracy for this logical partition (LPAR).

X'30nn' n/a

Explanation: Codes starting with X'30' can be errors that are detected in the interface between TCP/IP and VTAM, between VTAM and the IBM Open System Adapter, or between VTAM and TCP/IP channel units. These errors result from either a software or definitional problem. Use the specific return code to help identify the problem.

X'3001' Incorrect control information field

Explanation: The control information field of the primitive contains data that is blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'3002' Incorrect identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the identifier/token parameter of the control information field is blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'3003' Incorrect identifier type

Explanation: The value that is specified in the identifier type parameter of the control information field is incorrect; for example, the ID type says it is an SAP but the identifier is a filter.

X'3004' Incorrect primitive

Explanation: The value that is specified in the primitive code parameter of the control information field is incorrect.

X'3005' State error

Explanation: An illogical or incorrect primitive was received for the current SAP or the call instance state of the Port Connection Manager.

X'3007' Incorrect information data

Explanation: Either the primitive's data information field is missing data, or it contains blank, syntactically incorrect, or unrecognizable data.

X'3008' Resource not available

Explanation: The requested resource is not available.

X'300A' Task ABEND

Explanation: An error occurred that prevents the processing of the primitive.

X'300E' Incorrect service type

Explanation: The ServiceType parameter in the primitive's Control Information field is either blank, syntactically incorrect, or unrecognizable. Service Type is REQ/CNF/IND/RSP.

X'3011' IBM Open Systems Adapter disabled

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter has been disabled by user command.

X'3012' PVC removed from IBM Open Systems Adapter

Explanation: A PVC definition has been removed from IBM Open Systems Adapter while that PVC connection was active. The PVC connection is being deactivated.

X'3013' PCM signaling virtual channel is not active

Explanation: The signaling virtual channel (VCI=5, VPCI=0) between the IBM Open Systems Adapter and the ATM switch that carries signaling requests is not active.

X'3014' Incorrect entry point

Explanation: The entry point/interpret routine indicated contains a null character or incorrect value.

X'3016' Incorrect Port Control Manager name

Explanation: The value that is specified in the Port Control Manager name parameter is blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

  1. The port name is specified in multiple places and MUST be the same in the IBM Open Systems Adapter/SF configuration file, on the PORTNAME operand on the TRLE definition statement in the TRL major node, and (in the case of APPN communication) on the PORTNAME operand on the PORT definition statement in the XCA major node. The port name must be the same in all places that it is specified. If it is not, correct the mismatches.
  2. The user request is failed if the requested TRLE cannot be activated because of one of the following conditions.
    • TRL major node has not been activated.
    • The TRLE entry is missing from the activated TRL major node.
    • The TRLE entry has an error that does not allow it to be defined.
    • The TRLE has been activated but it is inoperative.
X'3017' Incorrect user call instance identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the user call instance identifier parameter of the control information field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'3018' Incorrect provider call instance identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the provider call instance identifier parameter of the control information field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'3019' Incorrect user SAP identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the user SAP identifier parameter of the control information field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'301A' Incorrect provider SAP identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the provider SAP identifier parameter of the control information field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'301B' Incorrect provider call enabling identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the P_CE_ID parameter of the control information field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'301C' Incorrect user call enabling identifier

Explanation: The value that is specified in the U_CE_ID parameter of the control information field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'3022' Incorrect control information field length

Explanation: The value that is specified in the control information field length parameter contains an incorrect value.

Note: Each primitive has a unique fixed control information field.
X'3023' Incorrect data information field length

Explanation: The value that is specified in the data information field length parameter contains a value that is incorrect or unrecognized.

X'3024' Incorrect action code

Explanation: The value that is specified in the action code specified in the control information on the Call_Setup response field is missing, blank, in an incorrect format, or cannot be recognized.

X'3025' Missing data information field

Explanation: The data information field must be complete for the primitive to work.

X'3026' Incorrect logical link value

Explanation: The value that is specified in the logical link identifier parameter is outside the valid range of 0-31, decimal.

X'3027' PCM TRLE cannot support selector

Explanation: The user issued an activate request that specified a selector that is not valid for the TRLE found by RNAME.

X'3028' Datapath device activation failed

Explanation: A storage error occurred during early processing of a datapath channel address for a QDIO device.

X'3029' Datapath device activation negative

Explanation: An error occurred attempting to allocate or activate a datapath channel address for a QDIO device.

X'302A' Datapath device Open failed

Explanation: An error occurred attempting to start a connection across a datapath channel address for a QDIO device.

X'302B' Datapath Device Start Data failed

Explanation: An error occurred attempting to start data flow on a connection across a datapath channel address for a QDIO device.

X'302C' Enable Incoming connections for Port failed

Explanation: A QDIO device rejected an attempt to allow connections to be enabled on this device.

X'302D' No datapath devices available

Explanation: A ULP cannot use a QDIO device because there are no datapath channel addresses available.

X'302E' Activation failed to complete

Explanation: A QDIO or iQDIO device failed to complete activation or properly register its HOME IP Address within 5 minutes.

X'302F' Channel unit address not available

Explanation: The channel is not the correct type for this device, there is no path for this channel, or the channel is not varied online.

X'3030' Incorrect channel unit address specification

Explanation: The channel unit address was either not specified by TCP/IP or is not a correct hexadecimal number.

X'3031' Channel unit address already in use

Explanation: The channel unit address specified by TCP/IP is already allocated to another user.

X'3032' Maximum connections exceeded

Explanation: The connection request attempted for this device exceeds the allowable maximum for this device type.

X'3033' Lack of resources

Explanation: The resources requested from the system could not be obtained (for example, memory errors).

X'3034' Connection failed by the remote host with no cause code

Explanation: A connection request was failed by the remote host for a given device, but a cause code indicating why the connection failed was not supplied.

X'3035' QDIO CHPID type mismatch

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate a QDIO device for a particular CHPID type, but the TRLE associated with this device was already active with channels of a different CHPID type. Verify the DEVICE name or PORTNAME are correctly configured for this device, and if the TRLE was configured, verify the device addresses are addresses for a CHPID of the correct type.

X'3036' Secondary OSM Interface activated before primary

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate EZ6OSM02 before EZ6OSM01. This failure can occur when there are no OSM CHPIDs available at TCP/IP stack initialization, and EZ6OSM02 is subsequently activated before EZ6OSM01. Activate EZ6OSM01 then EZ6OSM02.

X'3037' OSX or OSM Interface activation not permitted

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate an interface with CHPID type OSX or OSM. The activation attempt failed because the ENSEMBLE start option is set to NO, which does not permit TCP/IP connectivity to either the intraensemble data network or the intranode management network.

X'3038' OSX or OSM Interface activation not permitted

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate an interface with CHPID type OSX or OSM. The activation attempt failed because the central processor complex (CPC) is not configured as a member of an ensemble.

X'3039' IQD activation not permitted against an IQDX device

Explanation: A CHPID that is defined to HCD as IQDX cannot be used as an iQDIO device.

X'303A' Function type not valid

Explanation: The IBM 10GbE RoCE Express interface does not recognize the function identifier on the activation attempt.

X'303B' Outbound request flood detected

Explanation: The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) time stamp request is rejected because CSM storage is constrained or too many time stamp requests are generated at the same time.

X'3053' Maximum number of network interfaces exceeded

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate an OSA-Express port in QDIO mode. The OSA-Express port, or another port on the same OSA-Express3 or later channel path identifier (CHPID), is currently operating in optimized latency mode for at least one network interface. Optimized latency mode limits the number of concurrent network interfaces allowed to share this port and this CHPID. This activation attempt exceeds that limit. See the information about the optimized latency mode in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide for information about these limits.

X'31nn' OSA-Express rejected an attempt to activate a port

Explanation: Codes starting with X'31' are specific to OSA-Express QDIO Mode activation attempts. X'31' indicates that the OSA has rejected an activation attempt. The nn indicates the reason for the rejection. Specific nn codes are listed in this table. If you receive a code that is not listed in this table, contact IBM Service.

X'311B' Duplicate port name

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate an OSA-Express3 or later port in QDIO mode. The port name for this activation attempt was already in use on the other port that belongs to that CHPID. Two ports on the same CHPID cannot have the same port name.

X'3150' Incorrect port name

Explanation: An attempt was made to activate an OSA-Express port in QDIO mode. The port name for this activation attempt did not match the port name already assigned to this port by a previous user. All z/OS® users of that port must activate with the same port name.

X'32nn' n/a

Explanation: Codes starting with X'32' are specific to ATM connection establishment. In particular, they relate to the inability of the IBM Open Systems Adapter to establish a reserved bandwidth connection because of lack of available resources.

X'3201' Bytes per second exceeded

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter received a request for a reserved bandwidth circuit. The number of bytes per second that were requested cannot be honored because the IBM Open Systems Adapter's capacity for bytes per second for reserved bandwidth connections would be exceeded.

X'3202' Receive packets per second exceeded

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter received a request for a reserved bandwidth circuit. The number of packets per second that were requested in the receive direction (to the IBM Open Systems adapter) cannot be honored because the IBM Open Systems Adapter's capacity for receive packets per second for reserved bandwidth connections would be exceeded.

X'3203' Transmit packets per second exceeded

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter received a request for a reserved bandwidth circuit. The number of packets per second that were requested in the transmit direction (from the IBM Open Systems Adapter) cannot be honored because the IBM Open Systems Adapter's capacity for transmit packets per second for reserved bandwidth connections would be exceeded.

X'3204' No packet buffers available

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter received a request for a reserved bandwidth circuit. The number of bytes per second that were requested cannot be honored because the IBM Open Systems Adapter's capacity for packet buffers for reserved bandwidth connections would be exceeded.

X'3205' Bandwidth unavailable

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter received a request for a reserved bandwidth circuit. The number of ATM cells per second that were requested cannot be honored because the total number of cells per second would exceed the physical capacity of the ATM link.

X'3210' Network down

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter has lost communications to the ATM switch to which it is attached. The OSA lost communication with the attached ATM network, or an attempt was made to activate an XCA while the OSA had lost communication with the network (a missing cable or a switch registration failure, for example.)

X'33nn' n/a

Explanation: Codes starting with X'33' are specific to ATM signaling or data transfer. Generally they are the result of either a ULP software or definitional problem in constructing an ATM primitive. Use the specific return code to identify incorrect parameter, termed an information element (IE), to perform diagnostics.

X'330B' Call does not exist

Explanation: The Port Control Manager received a primitive associated with a call that no longer or never existed.

X'330D' Endpoint does not exist

Explanation: The value of the endpoint reference identifier in the endpoint reference subfield is not currently assigned to a call endpoint.

X'3312' Service access point not activated

Explanation: The primitive is incorrect because the SAP is not activated or recognized.

X'3315' User subfields too large

Explanation: The subfields specified in the primitive exceed the number of allowable octets.

X'331B' Subfields not allowed

Explanation: The subfields contained in the specified primitive are not allowed.

X'331D' Mandatory subfield missing

Explanation: A required subfield not present.

X'3323' Selected channel busy

Explanation: The specified permanent virtual channel (PVC) is busy or allocated to another call.

X'3324' Maximum calls exceeded

Explanation: The call setup request was not executed because the required resource could not be allocated.

X'3329' Maximum requests exceed

Explanation: The limit on outstanding primitives was reached.

X'332A' Call clear indication pending

Explanation: A call clear indicate has been issued to the user. The user should respond. The call instance is cleared when the call clear response is received from the user.

X'332D' Timeout on call

Explanation: The call could not be processed within the time constraints of the network.

X'332F' Lack of resources

Explanation: The resources requested from the system (for example, memory errors) could not be obtained.

X'3330' Operating system error

Explanation: An operating system error was encountered.

X'3331' Incorrect bearer capability

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the bearer capability subfield is incorrect.

X'3332' Incorrect channel identification

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the channel identification subfield is incorrect or the channel not varied online properly by operator.

X'3333' Incorrect calling party number

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the calling party number subfield is incorrect.

X'3334' Incorrect called party number

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the called party number subfield is incorrect.

X'3335' Incorrect calling party subaddress

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the calling party aubaddress subfield is incorrect.

X'3336' Incorrect called party subaddress

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the called party subaddress subfield is incorrect.

X'3337' Incorrect low-layer compatibility

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the low-layer compatibility subfield is incorrect.

X'3338' Incorrect high-layer compatibility

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the high-layer compatibility subfield is incorrect.

X'3339' Incorrect transit network selection

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the transit network selection subfield is incorrect.

X'333A' Incorrect cause

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the cause subfield is incorrect.

X'333B' Incorrect call status

Explanation: The length or the parameter information in the call status subfield is incorrect.

X'333C' No cause code specified

Explanation: The incoming call clearing message from the network did not contain a cause code indicating why the call was being cleared.

X'3340' Incorrect AAL parameters

Explanation: The length or parameter values in the AAL parameters subfield is incorrect.

X'3341' Duplicate AAL parameters

Explanation: The AAL parameters subfield is specified more than once.

X'3342' Incorrect endpoint identifier

Explanation: The length or parameter value in the endpoint reference subfield is incorrect.

X'3343' Duplicate endpoint reference

Explanation: The endpoint reference is specified more than once.

X'3344' Incorrect endpoint state

Explanation: The length or parameter value in the endpoint status subfield is incorrect.

X'3346' Incorrect QoS

Explanation: The length or parameter values in the quality of service subfield is incorrect.

X'3347' Duplicate QoS

Explanation: The quality of service subfield is specified more than once.

X'3348' Incorrect PCI

Explanation: The length or the parameter value in the permanent connection identifier subfield is incorrect.

X'3349' Duplicate PCI

Explanation: The permanent connection identifier subfield is specified more than once.

X'334A' Incorrect traffic descriptor

Explanation: The length or the parameter value in the traffic descriptor subfield is incorrect.

X'334B' Duplicate traffic descriptor

Explanation: The traffic descriptor subfield is specified more than once.

X'3351' Duplicate bearer capability

Explanation: The bearer capability subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3352' Duplicate channel identification

Explanation: The channel identification subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3353' Duplicate calling party number

Explanation: The calling party number subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3354' Duplicate called party number

Explanation: The called party number subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3355' Duplicate calling party subaddress

Explanation: The calling party subaddress subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3356' Duplicate called party subaddress

Explanation: The called party subaddress subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3357' Too many instances of low-layer information

Explanation: More instances of low-layer information subfield are present than are allowed.

X'3358' Duplicate high-layer compatibility

Explanation: The high-layer compatibility subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3359' Duplicate Transit network selection

Explanation: The transit network selection subfield was specified more than one time.

X'335A' Duplicate cause

Explanation: The cause subfield was specified more than one time.

X'335B' Duplicate call status

Explanation: The call status subfield was specified more than one time.

X'335D' Duplicate PCI

Explanation: The permanent connection identifier subfield was specified more than one time.

X'3360' Subfield of length zero present

Explanation: One of the subfields in the data information field has a length of zero.

X'3361' Incorrect calling party number length

Explanation: In the calling party number subfield, the value that is specified in the SFNumberLength parameter disagrees with the length of the subfield contained in the SFLength parameter.

X'3362' Incorrect called party number length

Explanation: In the called party number subfield, the value that is specified in the SFNumberLength parameter disagrees with the length of the subfield contained in the SFLength parameter.

X'3363' Incorrect calling party subaddress length

Explanation: In the calling party subaddress subfield, the value that is specified in the SFSubaddrLength parameter disagrees with the length of the subfield contained in the SFLength parameter.

X'3364' Incorrect called party subaddress length

Explanation: In the called party subaddress subfield, the value that is specified in the SFSubaddrLength parameter disagrees with the length of the subfield contained in the SFLength parameter.

X'3366' Incorrect call status value

Explanation: In the call status subfield, the SFCallStatus parameter specifies a value that is incorrect.

X'3367' Call status subfield missing

Explanation: The call status subfield information is missing. This is required information for this primitive.

X'336A' Subfields of the same type are not the same

Explanation: Two or more subfields of the same type are specified in the data information field; however they are not contiguous.

X'336B' Entry not unique

Explanation: The filter registration request is rejected because the call routing information and subfield specifications indicated in the data information field do not make the entry unique. An entry exists in the Port Control Manager incoming call routing table that has the same "must match" information as this request.

X'336C' First subfield is not primitive specific

Explanation: The first subfield you specified in the data information field is not the primitive-specific subfield.

X'3371' Path Control Manager internal error

Explanation: The Path Control Manager associated with the call detected an internal error.

X'3374' Permanent connection not defined

Explanation: The permanent connection that was requested in the call setup request is not defined.

X'3375' Incorrect ID type in current state

Explanation: In the current state of the call instance, the identifier type is incorrect.

X'3376' Call setup confirm for unsuccessful call queued

Explanation: The Path Control Manager will not process this call clear request because the call that the user requested to be cleared failed.

X'337A' Prior call control request outstanding

Explanation: A call control request previously issued by the user has not been confirmed by the Path Control Manager. The user should try the request again after the confirmation is received from the Path Control Manager.

X'3380' User software error

Explanation: The user discovered an unexpected software error.

X'3393' Incorrect usage indicator in primitive-specific subfield

Explanation: The usage indicator provided in the primitive specific subfield on the filter registration request primitive is incorrect. Either the first primitive-specific subfield specified must meet the "must not match" criteria, or the second primitive-specific subfield specified must meet the "must match" criteria.

X'3394' Incorrect called party address in filter registration request or data transmission flow control state is blocked.

Explanation: If this error occurs during device activation, the called party number on the filter registration request is incorrect; either it was not supplied, or does not match an address registered to the Path Control Manager. Otherwise a halt data flow request has been sent so data is not flowing.

X'3395' Connection state incorrect for data transfer

Explanation: Data cannot be accepted until the data SAP has been processed.

X'3396' Data transmit flow control blocked for pacing.

Explanation: The connection over which this data flows is an ATM reserved bandwidth connection. More data has been requested to be sent than has been reserved. The data flow will be blocked for an interval of time to ensure data is not dropped by the ATM network. Data flow will be reopened when the interval of time passes.

X'3397' Data transmit flow control blocked for remote

Explanation: The connection over which this data flows is an ATM connection. The IBM Open Systems Adapter has reached a level of congestion and has requested that no more data be sent on this connection until the congestion is relieved. Data flow will be reopened by IBM Open Systems Adapter when the congestion condition has passed.

X'34nn' n/a

Explanation: Codes starting with X'34' are specific to the OSA-Express data path. These codes represent errors reported by the OSA-Express adapter relating to the read or write Storage Block Address List Entries (SBALEs).

X'3400' Error reason unknown

Explanation: The specific cause of the error cannot be determined.

X'3401' Invalid buffer contents

Explanation: The contents of the storage pointed to by the SBALE does not contain a valid OSA-Express header or IP header.

X'3402' Block crosses 4k boundary

Explanation: The last byte of the storage represented by the SBALE is not contained in the same 4K storage frame as the first byte.

X'3403' Invalid fragment type

Explanation: The SBALE fragment type does not correlate with the fragment type of the previous SBALE.

X'3404' Real address invalid

Explanation: The SBALE storage address exceeds the size of central storage.

X'40nn' n/a

Explanation: Codes starting with X'40' are specific to the VTAM/IBM Open Systems Adapter IDX channel interface.

X'4001' VTAM/IBM Open Systems Adapter function level mismatch

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating request failed due to function mismatch between VTAM and the IBM Open Systems Adapter; for example, incompatible versions of the two products. Contact system operator to determine cause of the incompatibility.

X'4002' Incorrect or no header size specified

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating request failed during IDX exchange due to MPC specifying an improper header size. Contact VTAM operator to determine cause of the incorrect size.

X'4003' Incorrect or no block size specified

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating request failed during IDX exchange due to MPC specifying an improper I/O buffer size. Contact VTAM operator to determine cause of the incorrect size.

X'4004' Channel path read write polarity mismatch

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating request failed during IDX exchange due to incorrect channel path polarity; for example, read defined as write or write defined as read. The paths were defined incorrectly in either the TRL entry for the device or during IBM Open Systems Adapter configuration. Contact VTAM operator to determine cause of the incorrect size.

X'4005' VTAM name mismatch

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating request failed during IDX exchange because the same VTAM name was not received over both channel paths. This indicates a condition where two different VTAM instances are configured such that one is trying to use the Read path, the other the Write. Contact VTAM operator to determine correct definition of channel paths.

X'4010' Channel path pair quiesced

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating that channel paths will be halted due to the failure of some internal IBM Open Systems Adapter process. Contact system operator to determine reason for the IBM Open System Adapter's action.

X'4011' Incorrect data message size

Explanation: The IBM Open Systems Adapter returned this code indicating an incorrect message size, normally too large. Channel operation is quiesced and the channel path to the IBM Open Systems Adapter becomes inoperative. Contact VTAM operator or system operator to determine correct maximum message size.

X'4080' Normal termination

Explanation: MPC uses this code to inform the IBM Open Systems Adapter that normal channel termination is required. It is not normally exposed to the ULP but might appear in the IBM Open Systems Adapter tracing facilities.

X'4081' VTAM/IBM Open Systems Adapter level mismatch

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating initialization request failed due to function mismatch between VTAM and the IBM Open Systems Adapter; for example, incompatible versions of the two products. Contact VTAM operator or system operator to determine cause of the incompatibility.

X'4082' Channel path read/write polarity error

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating initialization request failed due to the IBM Open Systems Adapter specifying an incorrect read or write channel address; the read channel address must be an "even" address and the associated write channel address must be the read address + 1.

X'4083' Incorrect or no header size specified

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating initialization request failed due to the IBM Open Systems Adapter specifying an incorrect header segment size. Contact VTAM operator or system operator to determine cause of the incorrect size.

X'4084' Incorrect or no buffer size

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating initialization request failed due to the IBM Open Systems Adapter specifying an incorrect I/O buffer size. Contact VTAM operator or system operator to determine cause of the I/O buffer size.

X'4085' Data path failure

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating the channel paths to the IBM Open Systems Adapter are now inoperative due to a failure of the data path. Note, this is not a channel failure; it is the failure of a software component that processes data. Failure is normally due to an incorrect data primitive or the occurrence of a VTAM-detected processing error. Contact VTAM operator to perform problem diagnosis.

X'4086' System failure

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating the failure of a process has caused an ABEND within MPC processing components. Failure might be due to an MPC software problem or an underlying system failure. Contact VTAM operator to perform problem diagnosis.

X'4087' Channel path failure

Explanation: MPC returned this code indicating the failure of the channel path between itself and the IBM Open Systems Adapter. Failure has been recorded as a long OBR record in the system log. Contact VTAM operator or the system operator to determine cause of failure.

X'4088' Token failure

Explanation: MPC uses this code to indicate that the IBM Open Systems Adapter has returned inconsistent token values over the two channel paths. The tokens returned must contain identical bit strings. Contact the system operator to determine cause of inconsistency.

X'4089' State mismatch

Explanation: MPC uses this code to indicate that an inconsistency in processing states exists between MPC and the IBM Open Systems Adapter. Contact the VTAM operator to determine cause of inconsistency.

X'408A' Event Notification Facility offline signal

Explanation: MPC uses this code to indicate that an Event Notification Signal (ENF) has been received indicating the channel paths have been varied offline. Contact the system operator to determine reason the paths were put offline.

X'408B' No storage for I/O buffer

Explanation: MPC uses this code to indicate that storage was not available for it to build the required channel I/O buffers for the data and header segments. System storage might be constrained due to competing requests for storage. Contact the VTAM operator to determine VTAM's current storage usage and the system operator to determine cause of storage scarcity.

X'408C' Incorrect IBM Open Systems Adapter name

Explanation: The name used to activate the IBM Open Systems Adapter does not match the defined value. Check your definitions.

X'408D' Channel control failure

Explanation: MPC uses this code to indicate a failure in its channel control (CC) component. The failure might have been caused by a software failure in the CC component or an underlying system failure. Contact the VTAM operator to determine failure cause. If a system failure, notify the system operator.

X'408E' Signaling plane failure

Explanation: MPC uses this code to indicate a failure in the signaling plane. Contact the VTAM operator to determine failure cause. If a system failure, notify the system operator.

X'50nn' Shared Memory Communications over Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R) failures

Explanation: Codes starting with X'50' are specific to SMC-R operation failures. Use the specific return code to help identify the problem.

X'5001' Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) function ID (PFID) is not valid

Explanation: The PFID value that is specified on the activation attempt contained characters that are not valid or that did not match the PFID of any active 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'5002' The buffer size of the outbound buffer is not valid

Explanation: The buffer size that is specified for a buffer to be used for outbound RDMA operations was too large or represented only a partial buffer.

X'5003' The buffer size of the inbound buffer is not valid

Explanation: The buffer size that is specified for a buffer to be used for inbound RDMA operations was too large or represented only a partial buffer.

X'5004' The outbound RDMA buffer could not be registered

Explanation: The buffer to be used for outbound RDMA operations could not be registered with the 10GbE RoCE Express interface because the buffer descriptor on the primitive request did not contain the correct information.

X'5005' The inbound RDMA buffer could not be registered

Explanation: The buffer to be used for inbound RDMA operations could not be registered with the 10GbE RoCE Express interface because the buffer descriptor on the primitive request did not contain the correct information.

X'5006' Incorrect primitive

Explanation: The value that is specified in the primitive code parameter of the control information field is not correct.

X'5008' Maximum users exceeded

Explanation: The activation request attempted for this adapter exceeds the allowable number of adapter users.

X'5009' Internal state error

Explanation: The primitive request is received in an unexpected adapter state.

X'500A' Virtual LAN (VLAN) identifier is not valid

Explanation: The value that is specified for the VLAN identifier on the activation request exceeds the maximum value allowed.

X'500B' Incorrect SMC-R link activation message

Explanation: The SMC-R link activation message that is received from the SMC-R peer contained no data or the data specified was incorrect.

X'500C' Queue pair (QP) activation timed out

Explanation: The attempt to activate a QP as part of SMC-R link establishment did not complete within an acceptable amount of time.

X'500D' Internal abend

Explanation: VTAM returns this code to indicate that the failure of a process caused an abnormal end of task (abend) within SMC-R processing components. A software problem or an underlying system failure might be the cause. Contact the VTAM operator to perform problem diagnosis.


Unable to schedule TCP/IP during interrupt processing

Explanation: During a normal interrupt completion event, VTAM was unable to schedule the TCP/IP stack to process inbound data.

X'500F' SMC-R VLAN disabled

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack requested VTAM to disable a specific VLAN. As a result, all QPs that are associated with this VLAN are stopped.

X'5010' RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) token is not valid

Explanation: The value that is specified for the RoCE token on the primitive was 0 or did not match any currently assigned tokens.

X'5011' VLAN token is not valid

Explanation: The value that is specified for the VLAN token on the primitive did not match any currently assigned tokens.

X'5012' QP token is not valid

Explanation: The value that is specified for the QP token on the primitive was 0 or did not match any currently assigned tokens.

X'5013' SMC-R link activation failure

Explanation: VTAM could not successfully send the appropriate link activation message to the peer, preventing the SMC-R link from being activated.

X'5014' Internal stall error detected

Explanation: The SMC-R components determined that no outbound RDMA operations completed within an acceptable period. INOP processing is triggered for the 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'5015' Internal poll error detected

Explanation: An attempt by the SMC-R components to poll the 10GbE RoCE Express interface for information about outbound RDMA operations failed unexpectedly. INOP processing is triggered for the 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'5016' Outbound RDMA operations cannot be queued

Explanation: The SMC-R components determined that pending outbound RDMA operations must be queued because of 10GbE RoCE Express interface conditions, but this primitive indicated that it cannot be queued. The primitive is not queued.

X'5017' Internal failure during 10GbE RoCE Express interface cleanup

Explanation: The SMC-R components could not perform a final poll of the 10GbE RoCE Express interface for information about outbound RDMA operations before deactivating the 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'5018' Could not schedule stack to process RDMA data

Explanation: The SMC-R components could not schedule a TCP/IP process to receive RDMA data.

Start of changeX'5019'End of change Start of changeQueue pair (QP) activation timeout threshold exceeded

Explanation: The SMC-R components detected repeated failures when activating a QP for an individual 10GbE RoCE Express interface. INOP processing is triggered for the interface.

End of change
X'5020' A CSDUMP was taken with a defined RNICTRLE that matched this 10GbE RoCE Express interface

Explanation: A CSDUMP operation, with the RNICTRLE operand specified, requested that diagnostic data be gathered for a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The process of collecting this data rendered the 10GbE RoCE Express feature inoperative for all users.

X'5021' 10GbE RoCE Express interface deactivated because a hardware diagnostic dump was taken
Explanation: A 10GbE RoCE Express interface was deactivated for one the following reasons:
  • An INOPDUMP was taken for the 10GbE RoCE Express interface.
  • A CSDUMP was taken and a diagnostic dump was requested by using the RNICTRLE parameter.
    Note: The gathering of diagnostic data causes an inoperative condition for all users.
X'5022' 10GbE RoCE Express interface deactivated because 10GbE RoCE Express internal error was detected

Explanation: A 10GbE RoCE Express interface was deactivated because the interface reported an internal error. To recover from the internal error, VTAM resets the 10GbE RoCE Express interface and the 10GbE RoCE Express interface is temporarily unavailable for all users.

X'51nn' 10GbE RoCE Express device driver failure
Explanation: In response to specific RoCE verb invocation failures, the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver sets the codes that start with X'51'. These codes are internally generated software codes that identify failures to communicate correctly with PCIe services or with the hardware.
  • For PCIe service failures, the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2390I or IST2391I to report these failures. In these cases, the nn portion of the error code represents the return code that was recorded for the specific PCIe service failure.
  • For all other failures, the nn portion of the error is an internally generated value to uniquely identify the failure.
X'5113' PFID is not defined

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver attempted to activate a 10GbE RoCE Express interface, but the PFIDs value is not defined for this LPAR. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2392I to report this failure.

X'5115' PFID is not online

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver attempted to activate a 10GbE RoCE Express interface, but the PFID value is not configured online. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2393I to report this failure.

X'5116' Host channel adapter (HCA) configuration register (HCR) command operation timeout

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issued an HCR command to the RoCE hardware, but the hardware did not complete the operation within the internally specified timeout threshold. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver initiates INOP processing to recover from this error.

X'5117' PCIe load operation failure

Explanation: During the processing of an HCR operation, the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe load operation. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver might initiate INOP processing to recover from this error.

X'5118' PCIe store operation failure

Explanation: During the processing of an HCR operation, the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe store operation. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver might initiate INOP processing to recover from this error.

X'5121' HCR command operation failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issued an HCR command to the RoCE hardware, but the hardware rejected the operation with a specific status code. The specific HCR operation failed.

X'5131' PCIe connect service call failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe connect service call (IQP4CON) during the activation of a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'5132' PCIe open service call failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe open service call (IQP4OPN) during the activation of a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'5138' PCIe deregister service call failure
Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe deregister service call (IQP4DMR) in one of the following situations:
  • When a 10GbE RoCE Express interface is deactivated.
  • When the TCP/IP stack contracts a storage pool and attempts to deregister specific memory regions.
The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.
X'513B' Software reset failure

Explanation: While the 10GbE RoCE Express device was initialized, the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error during a software reset of the 10GbE RoCE Express feature. This call is issued during the activation of a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE Express interface does not activate.

X'5140' PCIe close service call failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe close service call (IQP4CLO) during the deactivation of a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'5141' PCIe deallocation service call failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe deallocation service call (IQP4DEA) during the deactivation of a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'5144' PCIe allocation service call failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe allocation service call (IQP4ALL) during the activation of a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'514A' No physical network ID detected

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issued a PCIe service call (IQP4GDI) to learn information about a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver detected that no physical network ID (PNetID) was configured for this PFID. A 10GbE RoCE Express interface without a configured PNetID cannot be used for SMC-R communications. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'5150' PCIe service processor call failure

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver received an error in response to a PCIe service processor call (IQP4SPC) to collect diagnostic hardware information during the INOPDUMP or the CSDUMP processing. The 10GbE RoCE device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

X'5151' Incorrect operating environment detected for the IBM 10GbE RoCE Express feature

Explanation: A 10GbE RoCE Express feature was configured in the hardware configuration definition (HCD) to run in a dedicated RoCE environment, but z/OS Communications Server expected the feature to run in a shared RoCE environment. Another possible situation is that a 10GbE RoCE Express feature was configured to run in a shared RoCE environment, but z/OS Communications Server expected the feature to run in a dedicated RoCE environment. The first 10GbE RoCE Express feature to be activated determines the operating environment for all subsequent features.

X'52nn' TCP/IP SMC-R component failures during SMC-R processing

Explanation: Codes that start with X'52' are specific to failures that are encountered within the TCP/IP SMC-R components during SMC-R processing. These errors cause the TCP connection to not use the SMC-R protocols.

X'52E0' SMC-R link failure, no failover processing

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack detected that an SMC-R link failed and no alternative SMC-R link was available.

X'52E1' SMC-R link failure, local and remote partners are out of synch

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack attempted to establish an initial SMC-R link to the remote partner, but the partner detects that an SMC-R link exists between the two endpoints.

X'52F0' SMC-R link failure, failover processing

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack detected that an SMC-R link failed. The TCP/IP stack switched the TCP connections that were using the failing SMC-R link to an alternative link within the SMC-R link group.

X'52F1' SMC-R link failure, loss of path detected

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack was notified that the RDMA path for an SMC-R link failed.

X'52F2' SMC-R link failure, protocol violation

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack detected that an SMC-R link failed because of a violation of the Link Layer Control (LLC) protocol that is used to manage the link.

X'52F3' SMC-R link failure, RDMA write operation failed

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack detected that an attempt to write RDMA data over an SMC-R link failed.

X'52F4' SMC-R link failure, remote buffer confirmation failed

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack detected that the remote partner did not confirm that an SMC-R link used a remote buffer. The link was stopped and, if possible, the TCP connections that were using the stopped link were switched to an alternative link in the link group.

X'52F5' SMC-R link failure, delete buffer failed

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack detected that the remote partner did not acknowledge that a buffer was no longer available for an SMC-R link to use. The link was stopped and, if possible, the TCP connections that were using the stopped link were switched to an alternative link in the link group.

X'52F6' SMC-R link failure, link deletion timed out

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack attempted to delete an SMC-R link from a link group, but the remote partner did not acknowledge the request. The link was stopped and, if possible, the TCP connections that were using the stopped link were switched to an alternative link in the link group.

X'52F7' SMC-R link failure, link test timed out

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack tested the status of an SMC-R link, but the remote partner did not respond to the test request. The SMC-R link was assumed to be inactive and, if possible, the TCP connections that were using the stopped link were switched to an alternative link in the link group.

X'52F8' SMC-R link failure, link addition timed out

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack attempted to add an SMC-R link to a link group, but the remote partner did not acknowledge the request. The link was stopped and, if possible, the TCP connections that were using the stopped link were switched to an alternative link in the link group.

X'53nn' TCP/IP stack failures during SMC-R processing

Explanation: Codes that start with X'53' are specific to failures that the TCP/IP stack encountered during SMC-R processing. These errors cause the TCP connection to not use the SMC-R protocols.

X'54nn' 10GbE RoCE Express interrupt handler errors

Explanation: Codes that start with X'54' are specific to failures that the 10GbE RoCE Express interrupt handlers encountered. The 10GbE RoCE Express interrupt handlers are associated with a 10GbE RoCE Express interface. These failures cause VTAM to initiate INOP processing of the 10GbE RoCE Express interface. For these failures, the nn portion of the error code represents the 1-byte event code that the 10GbE RoCE Express interface generates.

X'5409' Port state event

Explanation: The disabled interrupt exit was driven by PCIe services to notify the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver that the state of the 10GbE RoCE Express port is inactive. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver initiates INOP processing for all TCP/IP stacks with active connections to this 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'54F0' Allocation error exit

Explanation: PCIe services drove the 10GbE RoCE Express allocation error exit to inform the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver of a PCIe error event. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver initiates INOP processing for all TCP/IP stacks with active connections to this 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'54F1' Open error exit
Explanation: PCIe services requested the 10GbE RoCE Express open error exit to inform the TCP/IP stack that the PFID was deallocated. This code can be issued for one of the following reasons:
  • The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver detected an error that caused the Force Close processing to take down the 10GbE RoCE Express interface.
  • PCIe services detected a condition that required the deallocation of a PFID that VTAM allocated.
In either case, the 10GbE RoCE Express device driver initiates INOP processing for the reported TCP/IP stack.
X'54F2' Event Queue (EQ) Doorbell error

Explanation: The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver did a PCIe store operation to notify the 10GbE RoCE Express interface that the driver finished processing event queue elements. The store operation completed with an error. The 10GbE RoCE Express device driver initiates INOP processing for all TCP/IP stacks with active connections to the 10GbE RoCE Express interface.

X'55nn' SMC-R link failure, RDMA write operation did not complete successfully

Explanation: Codes that start with X'55' are specific to RDMA write-completion failures that are reported to the TCP/IP stack. These failures cause the TCP/IP stack to stop the SMC-R link that is associated with the failed RDMA write operation. If possible, the TCP/IP stack switches the TCP connections that are using the link to another link within the SMC-R link group. For these failures, the nn portion of the error code represents the 1-byte event code that the 10GbE RoCE Express interface generates to report the write completion failure.

Start of changeX'56nn'End of change Start of changeShared Memory Communications - Direct Memory Access (SMC-D) failures

Explanation: Codes that begin with X'56' are specific to SMC-D operation failures. Use the specific return code to identify the problem.

End of change
Start of changeX'5601'End of change Start of changeThe buffer size of the outbound buffer is not valid

Explanation: The size that was specified for a buffer to be used for outbound internal shared memory (ISM) operations was too large or represented only a partial buffer.

End of change
Start of changeX'5602'End of change Start of changeThe ISM buffer could not be registered

Explanation: The buffer to be used for ISM operations could not be registered because the buffer descriptor on the primitive request did not contain necessary information.

End of change
Start of changeX'5603'End of change Start of changeIncorrect primitive

Explanation: The value that was specified in the primitive code parameter of the control information field is not correct.

End of change
Start of changeX'5604'End of change Start of changeInternal state error

Explanation: The primitive request was received in an unexpected device state.

End of change
Start of changeX'5605'End of change Start of changeVirtual LAN (VLAN) identifier is not valid

Explanation: The value that was specified for the VLAN identifier on the activation request exceeds the maximum allowed value.

End of change
Start of changeX'5606'End of change Start of changeInternal abend

Explanation: VTAM returns this code to indicate that the failure of a process has caused an abnormal end of task (abend) within Start of changeSMC-DEnd of change processing components. The failure might be caused by a software problem or might be an underlying system failure. Contact the VTAM operator to diagnose the problem.

End of change
Start of changeX'5607'End of change Start of changeInternal failure during INOP processing

Explanation: VTAM could not notify a user of the ISM device while processing an INOP condition.

End of change
X'5608' Start of changeInternal shared memory (ISM)End of change token is not valid

Explanation: The value that was specified for the ISM token on the primitive was 0 or did not match any currently assigned tokens.

Start of changeX'5609'End of change Start of changeVLAN token is not valid

Explanation: The value that was specified for the VLAN token on the primitive was 0, exceeded the maximum allowed value, or did not match any currently assigned tokens.

End of change
Start of changeX'560A'End of change Start of changeSMC-D link token is not valid

Explanation: The value that was specified for the SMC-D link on the primitive was 0 or did not match any currently assigned tokens.

End of change
Start of changeX'560B'End of change Start of changeNo more buffers can be registered with the ISM device

Explanation: The attempt to register a buffer for ISM operations failed because no index bits were available to represent the buffer. A maximum of 1920 buffers can be registered with an individual ISM device.

End of change
Start of changeX'57nn'End of change Start of changeInternal shared memory (ISM)End of change function failure

Explanation: Codes that begin with X'57' are specific to ISM verb invocation failures. For these failures, the 'Start of changennEnd of change' portion of the error code represents the return code that the ISM device generated in response to an ISM verb invocation.

Start of changeX'5701'End of change Start of changePCIe Search (IQP4SRC) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe search service call (IQP4SRC) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5702'End of change Start of changeNo ISM PFIDs are defined for physical network ID (PNetID)

Explanation: The ISM device driver issued a PCIe search service call (IQP4SRC) to detect all defined ISM PFIDs for the PNetID that is associated with the QDIO or iQDIO interface that the TCP/IP stack activated. The ISM device driver detected that no ISM PFIDs were defined for this specific PNetID. Therefore, the TCP/IP stack cannot use SMC-D communications for this PNetID. The ISM device driver issues message IST2422I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5703'End of change Start of changeNo ISM PFIDs are available for PNetID

Explanation: The ISM device driver issued a PCIe search service call (IQP4SRC) to detect all defined ISM PFIDs for the PNetID that is associated with the QDIO or iQDIO interface that the TCP/IP stack activated. The ISM device driver detected that ISM PFIDs are defined for this PNetID, but none of the PFIDs are currently available. Therefore, the TCP/IP stack cannot use SMC-D communications for this PNetID. The ISM device driver issues message IST2423I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5704'End of change Start of changePCIe Get PFID Information (IQP4GPI) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe Get PFID Information service call (IQP4GPI) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5705'End of change Start of changePCIe Get Device Information (IQP4GDI) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe Get Device Information service call (IQP4GDI) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5706'End of change Start of changePCIe Register Memory Region (IQP4RMR) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe Register Memory Region service call (IQP4RMR). The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5707'End of change Start of changeHVCommon storage allocation failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to an IARV64 macro invocation to obtain high virtual common storage during the activation of an ISM interface.

End of change
Start of changeX'5708'End of change Start of changePartner not reachable via SMC-D

Explanation: The partner host supports SMC-D, but the partner is not reachable via SMC-D. For example, the partner host might be located on a different CEC, the partner host might not have SMC-D enabled for the same PNetID, or the defined VLANs for SMC-D are not consistent across the hosts.

End of change
Start of changeX'5713'End of change Start of changePFID is not defined

Explanation: The ISM device driver attempted to activate an ISM interface, but the PFID value that is detected through the PCIe search (IQP4SRC) service is not defined for this LPAR. The ISM device driver issues message IST2392I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5715'End of change Start of changePFID is not online

Explanation: The ISM device driver attempted to activate an ISM interface, but the PFID value is not configured online. The ISM device driver issues message IST2393I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5717'End of change Start of changePCIe load operation failure

Explanation: During the processing of an ICR operation, the ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe load operation. The ISM device driver might initiate INOP processing to recover from this error.

End of change
Start of changeX'5718'End of change Start of changePCIe store operation failure

Explanation: During the processing of an ICR operation, the ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe store operation. The ISM device driver might initiate INOP processing to recover from this error.

End of change
Start of changeX'5721'End of change Start of changeICR command operation failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver issued an ICR command to the ISM firmware, but the firmware rejected the operation with a specific command result. The specific ICR operation failed.

End of change
Start of changeX'5731'End of change Start of changePCIe Connect (IQP4CON) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe connect service call (IQP4CON) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5732'End of change Start of changePCIe Open (IQP4OPN) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe open service call (IQP4OPN) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5738'End of change Start of changePCIe Deregister Memory Region (IQP4DMR) service call failure
Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe deregister service call (IQP4DMR) in one of the following situations:
  • When an ISM interface is deactivated.
  • When the TCP/IP stack contracts a direct memory buffer (DMB) storage pool and attempts to deregister specific memory regions.
The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.End of change
Start of changeX'5740'End of change Start of changePCIe Close (IQP4CLO) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe Close service call (IQP4CLO) during the deactivation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5741'End of change Start of changePCIe Deallocation (IQP4DEA) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe deallocation service call (IQP4DEA) during the deactivation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5744'End of change Start of changePCIe Allocation (IQP4ALL) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe allocation service call (IQP4ALL) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'5747'End of change Start of changeMaximum number of registered direct memory buffers (DMBs) is reached

Explanation: The TCP/IP stack attempted to expand the DMB storage pool by registering additional memory regions. The ISM device driver detected that it reached the maximum number of DMBs, which is allowed to register with ISM firmware. The DMB storage expansion request is failed.

End of change
Start of changeX'5749'End of change Start of changeDuplicate ICR operation

Explanation: During the processing of an ICR operation, the ISM device driver received an error from the ISM firmware that the requested operation is a duplicate operation. The requested ISM operation was not performed.

End of change
Start of changeX'574A'End of change Start of changeRequired hardware is not available

Explanation: The ISM device driver detected that ISM processing cannot be performed because the necessary hardware is not available. The ISM device driver issues message IST2420I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'574B'End of change Start of changePCIe Query System Characteristics (IQP4QSC) service call failure

Explanation: The ISM device driver received an error in response to a PCIe Query System Characteristics service call (IQP4QSC) during the activation of an ISM interface. The ISM device driver issues message IST2391I to report this failure.

End of change
Start of changeX'58nn'End of change TCP/IP SMC-D componentry failures during Start of changeSMC-DEnd of change processing

Explanation: Codes that begin with X'58' are specific to failures that are encountered within the TCP/IP SMC-D components during SMC-D processing. These errors cause the TCP connection to not use the SMC-D protocols.

Start of changeX'59nn'End of change Start of changeInternal shared memory (ISM)End of change device interrupt handler errors

Explanation: Codes that begin with X'59' are specific to failures that are encountered by the Disabled Interrupt Handler that is associated with an ISM device. These failures cause VTAM to initiate INOP processing of the ISM device. For these failures, the 'Start of changennEnd of change' portion of the error code represents the 1-byte event code that the ISM device generates.