Directing output from ILC applications

Fortran runtime messages, output written to the print unit, and other output (such as output from the SDUMP callable service) are directed to the file specified by the MSGFILE runtime option. To direct this output to the file with the ddname FTnnF001 (where nn is the two-digit error message unit number), specify the runtime option MSGFILE(FTnnF001). If the print unit is different from the error message unit (if the PRTUNIT and the ERRUNIT runtime options have different values), output from a PRINT statement will not be directed to the Language Environment message file.

PL/I runtime messages and other related output (such as ON condition SNAP output) are directed to the file specified in the MSGFILE runtime option instead of to the PL/I SYSPRINT STREAM PRINT file. User-written output is still directed to the PL/I SYSPRINT STREAM PRINT file; to direct user-written output to the Language Environment message file, specify the MSGFILE(SYSPRINT) runtime option.