BPXYWNSZ — Map the winsize structure

BPXYWNSZ maps window/terminal size information. It corresponds to the C winsize structure, which is in sys/ioctl.h.
            BPXYWNSZ   ,                                                        
** BPXYWNSZ: Winsize structure                                                  
**  Used By: ioctl with TIOCGWINSZ and TIOCSWINSZ                               
BPXYWNSZ DSECT ,                   Define DSECT                                 
WS_ROW       DC  H'0'              Rows, in characters                          
WS_COL       DC  H'0'              Columns, in characters                       
WS_XPIXEL    DC  H'0'              Horizontal size, pixels                      
WS_YPIXEL    DC  H'0'              Vertical size, pixels                        
BPXYWNSZ#LENGTH      EQU   *-BPXYWNSZ Length of this structure