BPXYSECO — Map the input/output of BPX1IOC for the SIOCSECENVR request

            BPXYSECO   ,
** BPXYSECO: Security Environment Object                              
** Used By: IOC                     
SECO                 DSECT ,                   
SECO_ARGUMENT        DS  F       Input: SET / GET argument.          
SECO_ENVR_OBJECT     DS  0CL14   GET Output: Security ENVR OBJECT:  
SECO_OBJECTLEN       DS  F       GET Output: ENVR Object length.     
SECO_BUFFERLEN       DS  F       GET Input/Output: Buffer Length.    
SECO_BUFFERADDR      DS  A       GET Input/Output: Buffer Address.   
SECO_BUFFERSP        DS  X       GET Input/Output: Buffer SubPool.   
SECO_BUFFERKEY       DS  X       GET Input/Output: Buffer Key.       
SECO#LENGTH          EQU *-SECO  Length of this area