BPXYRMON — Map resource monitor data

            BPXYRMON   ,                                                        
** BPXYRMON: Resource monitor data mapping                                      
**  Used By: RMG                                                                
RMON                 DSECT ,                                                    
RMONID               DC    C'RMON'  Eye catcher                                 
RMONLENGTH           DC    A(RMON#LENGTH)  Length of this structure             
RMONSYSCALLS         DS    F      Total  Syscalls.         This                 
*                                 includes syscalls done internally             
*                                 by the kernel.  It does not include           
*                                 all trivial syscalls.                         
RMONCPUTIME          DS    F      Total CPU time spent in                       
*                                 kernel (Hundredths of a second)               
RMONOVERRUN          DS    0CL12                                                
RMONOVRPROC          DS    F      Count of times the maximum number             
*                                 of processes was exceeded.                    
RMONOVRUID           DS    F      Count of times the maximum number             
*                                 of active UIDs was exceeded.                  
RMONOVRPRUID         DS    F      Count of times the maximum number             
*                                 of processes per UID was exceeded.            
RMONLIMITS           DS    0CL6                                                 
RMONMAXPROC          DS    H      Maximum number of processes                   
RMONMAXUID           DS    H      Maximum number of active UIDs                 
RMONMAXPRUID         DS    H      Maximum number of processes per UID           
RMONCURRENT          DS    0CL6                                                 
RMONNUMPROC          DS    H      Current number of processes                   
RMONNUMUID           DS    H      Current number of active UIDs                 
                     DS    H      Reserved                                      
RMONOVERRUNIPC       DS    0CL16                                                
RMONOVRIPCMSGNIDS    DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed                  
*                                 maximum number of message queue               
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONOVRIPCSEMNIDS    DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed                  
*                                 maximum number of semaphore                   
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONOVRIPCSHMNIDS    DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed                  
*                                 maximum number of shared memory               
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONOVRIPCSHMSPGS    DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed                  
*                                 maximum number of shared memory               
*                                 pages for all segments                        
RMONLIMITSIPC        DS    0CL16                                                
RMONMAXIPCMSGNIDS    DS    F      Maximum number of message queue               
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONMAXIPCSEMNIDS    DS    F      Maximum number of semaphore                   
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONMAXIPCSHMNIDS    DS    F      Maximum number of shared memory               
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONMAXIPCSHMSPGS    DS    F      Maximum number of shared memory               
*                                 pages for all segments                        
RMONCURRENTIPC       DS    0CL16                                                
RMONNUMIPCMSGNIDS    DS    F      Current number of message queue               
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONNUMIPCSEMNIDS    DS    F      Current number of semaphore                   
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONNUMIPCSHMNIDS    DS    F      Current number of shared memory               
*                                 IDs                                           
RMONNUMIPCSHMSPGS    DS    F      Current number of shared memory               
*                                 pages for all segments                        
RMONOVRMMAPAREA      DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed                  
*                                 maximum number of mmap storage                
*                                 pages                                         
RMONMAXMMAPAREA      DS    F      Maximum number of mmap storage                
*                                 pages                                         
RMONNUMMMAPPAGES     DS    F      Current number of mmap storage                
*                                 pages (in use)                                
RMONMAXSHRPAGES      DS    F      Maximum number of shared storage              
*                                 pages as specified by BPXPRMXX                
*                                 parmlib statement MAXSHAREPAGES               
RMONNUMSHRPAGES      DS    F      Current number of shared storage              
*                                 pages                                         
RMONOVRSHRPAGES      DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed                  
*                                 maximum number of shared storage              
*                                 pages                                         
RMONMAXSHRLIBRGN     DS    F      Maximum amount of storage available           
*                                 for shared library region as                  
*                                 specified by parmlib statement                
*                                 SHRLIBRGNSIZE in megabytes                    
RMONCURSHRLIBRGN     DS    F      Current amount of shared library              
*                                 storage allocated in megabytes                
RMONOVRSHRLIBRGN     DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed maximum          
*                                 storage amount for shared library             
*                                 region                                        
RMONMAXQUEUEDSIGS    DS    F      Maximum amount of queued signals              
*                                 allowed per process as specified              
*                                 by parmlib statement                          
*                                 MAXQUEUEDSIGS                                 
RMONOVRQUEUEDSIGS    DS    F      Number of attempts to exceed maximum          
*                                 number of queued signals                      
RMON#LENGTH          EQU   *-RMON Length of RMON