BPXYDIRE — Map directory entries for readdir

DSECT=NO is not allowed; the basing for the PFSOTHER data is not known, as it depends on the length of the name.

            BPXYDIRE   ,                                                        
** BPXYDIRE: Mapping of directory entry                                         
**  Used By: RDD                                                                
* LA     RegOne,buffer            RegOne->BPX1RDD buffer and 1st DIRE           
* USING  DIRE,RegOne              Addressability to DIRE                        
DIRE                 DSECT ,                                                    
DIRENTINFO           DS    0X     Fixed length information                      
DIRENTLEN            DS    H      Entry length                                  
DIRENTNAML           DS    H      Name length                                   
DIRENTNAME           DS    0C     Name                                          
* LR     RegTwo,RegOne            RegTwo->DIRE                                  
* LA     RegTwo,4(RegTwo)         RegTwo->start of name                         
* SLR    RegThree,RegThree        Clear register                                
* ICM    RegThree,3,DIRENTNAML    Load name length                              
* ALR    RegTwo,RegThree          RegTwo->end of name+1                         
* USING  DIRENTPFSDATA,RegTwo     Addressability to DIRENTPFSDATA               
DIRENTPFSDATA        DSECT ,      Physical file system-specific data            
DIRENTPFSINO         DS    CL4    File Serial Number = st_ino                   
DIRENTPFSOTHER       DS    0C     Other PFS specific data                       
                     ORG   DIRENTPFSDATA                                        
DIRENTPLUSATTR       DS    0C     ReaddirPlus Attr                              
* ICM    RegThree,3,DIRENTLEN     Load entry length                             
* ALR    RegOne,RegThree          RegOne->Next DIRE in buffer                   
* BCT    Return_Value,Back_to_process_next_DIRE