BPXYACC — Map flag values for access

          BPXYACC    ,                                                          
** BPXYACC:  Access intent flags                                                
**  Used by: ACC                                                                
ACC                  DSECT ,                                                    
ACCRSRV              DS    CL2    Reserved                                      
ACCFLAGS             DS    XL1    Flags                                         
ACCEFFID             EQU   X'04'   check effective ids                          
ACCDEVNO             EQU   X'02'   return devno if exists                       
ACCWAIT              EQU   X'01'   Wait for Async Mount                         
ACCINTENTFLAGS       DS    XL1    Access Intent Flags                           
*                    EQU   X'F0'  Reserved                                      
ACC_F_OK             EQU   X'08'  Check for file existence                      
ACC_R_OK             EQU   X'04'  Check for read access to file                 
ACC_W_OK             EQU   X'02'  Check for write access to file                
ACC_X_OK             EQU   X'01'  Check for execute access to file              
ACC#LENGTH           EQU   *-ACC  Length of this structure