BPX4SYC (sysconf) example

The following code gets the maximum number of children allowed by the configuration variable. For the callable service, see sysconf (BPX1SYC, BPX4SYC) — Determine system configuration options. For the data structure, see BPXYCONS — Constants used by services. AMODE 31 callers use BPX1SYC (sysconf) example.
         CALL  BPX4SYC,              Get configuration variable        +
               (=A(SC_CHILD_MAX),    Input: Config variable BPXYCONS   +
               RETVAL,               Return value: -1 or variable      +
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ----------------------------------