BPX4SPN (spawn) example

The program ictasma located at ict/bin gets control as a child process of the caller, and is passed arguments WK18, DEPT37A, and RATE(STD,NOEXC,NOSPEC). No environment arguments are passed. The file descriptor count is set to 0, indicating that the child shall inherit all of the parent's file descriptors. The inheritance area passed is set to all zeroes, indicating that the child shall inherit the parent's attributes without change. For the callable service, see spawn (BPX1SPN, BPX4SPN) — Spawn a process. AMODE 31 callers use BPX1SPN (spawn) example.
         MVC   BUFLENA,=F'16'                                           
         MVC   BUFFERA(16),=C'/ict/bin/ictasma'                         
         MVC   ARGCNT,=F'3'                                             
*                                    First                              
         LA    R15,=F'4'                 Length                         
         ST    R15,ARGLLST+00            Length parm list               
         LA    R15,=CL4'WK18'            Argument                       
         STG   R15,ARGSLST+00            Argument address parm list     
*                                    Second                             
         LA    R15,=F'7'                 Length                         
         ST    R15,ARGLLST+04            Length parm list               
         LA    R15,=CL7'DEPT37A'         Argument                       
         STG   R15,ARGSLST+08            Argument address parm list     
*                                    Third                              
         LA    R15,=F'22'                Length                         
         ST    R15,ARGLLST+08            Length parm list               
         LA    R15,=CL22'RATE(STD,NOEXC,NOSPEC)'    Argument            
         STG   R15,ARGSLST+16            Argument address parm list     
         MVC   ENVCNT,=F'0'          Zero environment args passed       
         MVC   ENVLENS,=F'0'         Addr of env. data length list      
         MVC   ENVPARMS,=F'0'        Add of env. data                   
         MVC   FDCNT,=F'0'           Zero file descriptors passed       
         MVC   FDLST,=F'0'           File Descriptor list               
         XC    INHE(INHE#LENGTH),INHE  Clear Inheritance structure      
         SPACE ,                                                        
         CALL  BPX4SPN,                                                +
               (BUFLENA,             Input: Pathname length            +
               BUFFERA,              Input: Pathname                   +
               ARGCNT,               Input: Argument count             +
               ARGLLST,              Input: Argument length list       +
               ARGSLST,              Input: Argument address list      +
               ENVCNT,               Input: Environment count          +
               ENVLENS,              Input: Environment length list    +
               ENVPARMS,             Input: Environment address list   +
               FDCNT,                Input: File desriptor count       +
               FDLST,                Input: File descriptor list       +
               =A(INHE#LENGTH),      Input: Length of Inheritance area +
               INHE,                 Input: Inheritance area           +
               RETVAL,               Return value: Child PID or -1     +
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ----------------------------------