BPX4ENV (oe_env_np) example

The following code enables interruption of threads waiting in MVS™ ENQs in the caller's process. For the callable service, see oe_env_np (BPX1ENV, BPX4ENV) — Examine, change, or examine and change an environmental attribute. For the data structure, see BPXYCONS — Constants used by services. AMODE 31 callers use BPX1ENV (oe_env_np) example.
         LA    R15,=F'1'                                                
         ST    R15,INARG                                                
         LA    R15,INARG                                                
         STG    R15,INARGLIST                                           
         LA    R15,INARGLIST                                            
         STG   R15,INARGLISTPTR                                         
         SPACE ,                                                        
         CALL  BPX4ENV,              oe_env_np                         +
               (=A(ENQWAIT_PROCESS), Input: Function_code     BPXYCONS +
               =A(1),                Input: InArgCount                 +
               INARGLISTPTR,         Input: InArgListPtr               +
               =A(0),                Input: OutArgCount                +
               =AD(0),               Input: OutArgListPtr              +
               RETVAL,               Return value: 0 or -1             +
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ----------------------------------