DROP instruction

The DROP instruction ends the domain of a USING instruction. This:
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   '-sequence_symbol-'        | .-,-----------------. |   
                              | V                   | |   

Is a sequence symbol.
Is an absolute expression whose value represents one of the general registers 0 through 15. The expression in base_register indicates a general register, previously specified in the operand of an ordinary USING statement, that is no longer to be used for base addressing.
Is one of the following:
  • An ordinary symbol
  • A variable symbol that has been assigned a character string with a value that is valid for an ordinary symbol

The ordinary symbol denoted by label must be a symbol previously used in the name field of a labeled USING statement or a labeled dependent USING statement.

If base_register or label are not specified in the operand of a DROP instruction, all active base registers assigned by ordinary, labeled, and labeled dependent USING instructions are dropped.

After a DROP instruction:
The following statements, for example, stop the assembler using registers 7 and 11 as base registers, and the label FIRST as a symbol qualifier:
         DROP            7,11
         DROP            FIRST