Dumping a fast replication backup to tape

You can dump fast replication DASD backup copies to tape. You can create these dumps on tape through the FRBACKUP command or through an automatic dump processing. For more information on automatic dump processing of copy pools, seeDump processing

To create a fast replication DASD backup and dump it to tape, you can use the following command:

In this example, DFSMShsm creates a fast replication backup copy on DASD for each volume of each storage group defined in the COPYPOOL1 copy pool. After the fast replication DASD copy has been successfully created, DFSMShsm returns control to the user and then dumps the fast replication DASD copy to tape. The time stamp of all the dump copies reflects the time that the DASD copy is created. If RETURNCONTROL(DUMPEND) is specified, then control is returned to the user after the dump copy has been created. The COPYPOOL keyword and associated parameter indicate the name of a previously defined copy pool which the FRBACKUP command should process.

The copy pool definition specifies how the dump copies are created. Up to five dump classes can be specified for each copy pool. Each dump class correlates to one dump copy. The dump class defines settings such as frequency, expiration and whether the dump class is optional or required. For more details on the REQUIRED or OPTIONAL definition of dump classes, see Specifying whether the dump class is required or optional.

A dump class of a Fast Replication version can have the following states: COMPLETE, PARTIAL, or FAILED. COMPLETE indicates that the volumes are successfully dumped for that dump class. PARTIAL indicates that not all volumes for the dump class are processed. FAILED indicates that no volume attempted for the dump class has been dumped successfully.

A Fast Replication dump version can have the following states: ALLCOMPLETE, REQUIRED COMPLETE, PARTIAL, NONE, and FAILED. ALLCOMPLETE indicates that all dump classes specified in the copy pool definition or the FRBACKUP command have completed successfully. REQUIRED COMPLETE indicates that all dump classes marked as REQUIRED are successfully dumped and that one or more dump classes marked as OPTIONAL are incomplete. PARTIAL indicates that one or more dump classes are incomplete. This can be any combination of REQUIRED and OPTIONAL dump classes. FAILED indicates that no attempted volumes have been successfully dumped for any of the specified dump classes. Use the LIST COPYPOOL(cpname) command to display the status of the dump classes for each copy pool. The SELECT(DUMPSTATE) option can be used to find incomplete dump copies. NONE indicates that a dump copy has not been created for this version.

Dump copies can only be created from valid DASD copies. DFSMShsm ensures that once the creation of a dump copy has begun for a DASD copy, that the DASD copy will not roll-off until the dump copy is complete. If an FRBACKUP command is issued that will roll-off a DASD version that has a dump version with a status FAILED or PARTIAL, and one or more dump classes are REQUIRED, then the FRBACKUP command fails. If all of the dump classes are OPTIONAL, then the FRBACKUP command is allowed to continue. Failing the FRBACKUP command ensures that the dump copy can be retried with the FRBACKUP DUMPONLY command before the DASD copy is rolled-off. If it is acceptable to have an incomplete dump copy so that a new DASD backup copy can be created, then use the FORCE keyword on the FRBACKUP command.

You can specify, in the copy pool definition, the number of DASD versions with background copy maintained by DFSMShsm, from 0 (NOCOPY mode) to 85 (COPY mode). If you specify 0 for a copy pool defined with fast reverse restore capability, it indicates a DASD backup copy created in NOCOPY mode can be used for recovery and as a backup copy from which to create a dump tape copy. The DASD backup copy is kept until it is withdrawn, deleted, or replaced. If you specify 0 for a copy pool defined without fast reverse restore capability, it indicates that you do not require a DASD copy to recover from and DFSMShsm is to withdraw the DASD version when the dump tape version has been created successfully. The number of tape versions required is independent of the number of DASD versions requested. The number of available tape versions is managed by expiration processing, or by explicit deletion of the dump version using the FRDELETE command. AUTODUMP processing expires the fast replication dumps based on expiration criteria specified in each dump class. Because up to 85 versions of a copy pool can be kept at any time, FRBACKUP DUMP processing also expires the 85th dump when a subsequent dump is requested.

DUMPCLASS is a keyword for the FRBACKUP command. From 1 to 5 dump classes can be specified, with 1 dump copy of each volume produced for each dump class. If DUMPCLASS is specified on the FRBACKUP command, dump classes defined to the copy pool are not considered. Since stacking can be specified in the dump class, the FRBACKUP command does not support any separate stacking keyword.

DUMPONLY is used to create one or more dump copies from an existing DASD copy. DUMPONLY can be used to:
  • create one or more dump copies when there are no existing dump copies.
  • create additional dump copies (up to five) when one or more dump copies already exist.
  • attempt to complete existing dump copies that failed.
VERSION, DATE, TOKEN and GENERATION are mutually exclusive keywords describing which DASD version should be dumped. If none of those keywords are specified, then the latest DASD copy is dumped. A DASD copy must be valid in order for it to be dumped. If the DUMPONLY command is issued against a version with an invalid DASD copy, then the command fails.

Only 5 dump classes can be associated with a single dump version, so an FRBACKUP command specifying one or more dump classes fails if both the number of existing dump copies for a version and the number of dump classes specified on the FRBACKUP command exceed 5.

If DUMPONLY is issued against a version for which there are no existing dump copies, then the following statements hold true:
  • If DUMPCLASS is not specified, then the dump classes from the copy pool definition are used.
  • If DUMPCLASS is specified, then the specified dump classes are used.
If DUMPONLY is issued against a version for which there are existing successful dump copies, then the following statements hold true:
  • If DUMPCLASS is not specified, then the command fails.
  • If DUMPCLASS is specified, then only those dump classes that were not already created are processed. The number of existing dump copies and new dump copies cannot exceed five.
If DUMPONLY is issued against a version that is marked partially successful, then the following statements hold true:
  • If DUMPCLASS is not specified, the dump is resumed for any dump classes not previously successfully dumped.
  • If DUMPCLASS is specified and the dump class previously failed, then only that dump class is resumed.
  • If DUMPCLASS is specified with a dump class that is not previously attempted, and fewer than 5 dump classes have been dumped for the version, a new dump copy of the version is created for the specified dump class.
  • If DUMPCLASS is specified with a dump class that is not previously attempted, and 5 dump classes have already been dumped for the version, the command fails.

In a VERSIONS = 0 (NOCOPY) environment, if the DASD version is marked NONE or FAILED, and the dump for the version is marked ALL COMPLETE or REQUIRED COMPLETE, any DUMPONLY request for that version fails.

In the following example, the DATE subparameter is used to dump to tape the backup of COPYPOOL1 that was created on June 2, 2006:

RETURNCONTROL, a keyword telling DFSMShsm when to return control for WAIT type user commands. RETURNCONTROL(FASTREPLICATIONEND) tells DFSMShsm to return control just before dump processing starts. RETURNCONTROL(DUMPEND) tells DFSMShsm to return control after all volumes have been dumped. The keyword applies to the DUMP keyword but not to the DUMPONLY keyword. DUMPEND is the default. If a user specifies the RETURNCONTROL() keyword with NOWAIT, the command fails. If a user specifies the RETURNCONTROL() keyword without WAIT, the command fails with a syntax error. NOWAIT is the default.

Related reading

For more information about FRBACKUP and the parameters related to dumping fast replication backups, see FRBACKUP command: Requesting a fast replication backup or dump version.