Dumping all allocated space

Programming Interface Information
Programming Interface Information

DFSMShsm’s full-volume dump invocation of DFSMSdss specifies the ALLEXCP and ALLDATA(*) parameters. If the field in the DSCB that shows the last-used track and the block on that track contain zeros, the ALLEXCP option dumps all allocated space. When ALLDATA(*) is specified, all allocated space of SAM and PAM data sets, and data sets with a null DSORG field and whose last-used track and block on that track is greater than zero, are dumped. Use the following PATCH commands to suppress these parameters:

To suppress ALLEXCP:
PATCH.MCVT.+3C3 BITS(1.......)
To suppress ALLDATA(*):
PATCH.MCVT.+3C3 BITS(01......)
To suppress both ALLEXCP and ALLDATA(*):
PATCH.MCVT.+3C3 BITS(11......)
End Programming Interface Information
End Programming Interface Information