How to start automatic dumping

To automatically dump the volumes, issue the SETSYS AUTODUMPSTART command with the start and finish times.


The times are in a 24-hour format. The first time is when automatic can start, the second time is the latest that an automatic dump can start, and the third time is the latest that a dump of a volume can start. Because the third time is 0000, all volumes are dumped if automatic dump starts. To turn off automatic dump, resubmit the command with all three times equal to 0000.

To manually dump the volumes, issue the BACKVOL command.


If you omit DUMPCLASS(WEEKLY,MONTHLY), the volumes are dumped to the dump classes listed for each volume with the AUTODUMP option when it was added with ADDVOL, but no stacking occurs. You can list up to five dump classes. Dumps made manually are taken into account when recovering from a dump by generation or date. If you are only going to be dumping manually, you can omit the AUTODUMP option when you ADDVOL your volumes. You can use any valid dump class, regardless of the AUTODUMP option.

If you decide to create your dumps manually, you still need to run automatic dump to have old dumps expire. To have automatic dump run without actually taking dumps, you can define a dump cycle of one N day.