DUMPCLASS(RETENTIONPERIOD): Specifying the enforcement of retention periods for the dump copies in this class

Explanation: RETENTIONPERIOD is an optional subparameter of DUMPCLASS specifying whether you want DFSMShsm to enforce retention periods for the dump copies in this class.

Subparameter Explanation
days DUMPCLASS(RETENTIONPERIOD(days) specifies that DFSMShsm enforces retention periods for the dump copies in this dump class and then automatically invalidates them when the retention period has been met. After the number of days has elapsed, the dump volumes are automatically reused if the AUTOREUSE subparameter is specified for the class. If AUTOREUSE is not specified, days may be used to specify an expected date to delete the volumes. If the maximum number of dump generations is reached, another dump is performed. If the oldest generation contains a dump copy with an explicit retention period that has not been reached, DFSMShsm invalidates the oldest dump generation and issues a message reporting this action. The maximum number of dump generations is 100 generations. For days, enter a decimal number between 1 and 9999.
NOLIMIT DUMPCLASS(RETENTIONPERIOD(NOLIMIT) specifies that there is no predetermined expiration date for the dump copies in this DUMPCLASS. DFSMShsm does not automatically enforce an expiration date. The dump copy can be invalidated only by an explicit request using the DELVOL command. If the maximum number of dump generations is reached, another dump will be performed. The oldest generation contains a dump copy with RETENTIONPERIOD(NOLIMIT). The maximum number of dump generations is 100 generations. If DFSMShsm must invalidate a dump copy without a retention period, a message is issued reporting this action.
Defaults: If you do not specify RETENTIONPERIOD, the default is 30 days.
  1. If you use NOLIMIT, also use the NOAUTOREUSE and the NODATASETRESTORE subparameters. If you use AUTOREUSE or DATASETRESTORE, the NOLIMIT parameter overrides the values. The values become NOAUTOREUSE and NODATASETRESTORE respectively.
  2. DFSMShsm does not automatically delete the last and only copy of a source volume, regardless of the RETENTIONPERIOD set. To delete the dump volumes in this copy, issue the DELVOL command with the LASTCOPY option for one of the dump volumes. All of the volumes in the copy are deleted.