Processing priority of data set recoveries

Programming Interface Information
Programming Interface Information

All data set recovery requests are queued to and processed from a queue of management work elements called the recovery queue (separate from the volume recovery queue). DFSMShsm gives all WAIT requests a higher priority on the queue than NOWAIT requests.

You can change the priorities of these requests as they are put on the queue by using the return-priority installation exit ARCRPEXT. ARCRPEXT allows you to assign a relative queuing priority such that WAIT requests can be prioritized relative to other WAIT requests, and NOWAIT requests prioritized relative to other NOWAIT requests. (In the case of a NOWAIT request initiated from a volume recover request, the queuing priority is initialized with the value propagated from the volume recover request passed earlier to the exit.) See z/OS DFSMS Installation Exits for a description of ARCRPEXT.

End Programming Interface Information
End Programming Interface Information