Preventing aggregate roll off and tape expiration

When you create a new version of an aggregate group, ABARS ensures that the number of versions kept does not exceed the number specified in the NUMBER OF VERSIONS attribute in the Management Class. If NUMBER OF VERSIONS is exceeded, ABARS rolls off (deletes) the oldest version of that aggregate and the activity logs associated with it. When an aggregate group is removed during roll-off processing, the output files (C, D, O, and I) associated with that aggregate, are located in the catalog, and a list of volume serial numbers that these files reside on, is requested. When necessary, the volumes are deleted from the RACF® HSMABR tape volume set. When you stack multiple aggregates on a tape unbeknownst to ABARS, you need to prevent aggregate roll-off processing from occurring. If you allow aggregate roll-off, the tape associated with the oldest aggregate might expire, even though it still contains valid stacked aggregates.

Note: If you specify SETSYS EXITON(ARCTVEXT), DFSMShsm calls the installation exit ARCTVEXT for each volume that is being processed, indicating to the exit, that this is an ABARS tape volume. If you install DFSMSrmm, DFSMShsm calls the EDGTVEXT installation exit instead.

To prevent aggregate roll-off from occurring automatically, change the # Versions field in the ISMF Management Class Alter panel to the value of NOLIMIT. Figure 1 shows the updated value in the # Versions field that prevents aggregate roll-off.

Figure 1. Page 5 of the ISMF Management Class Alter panel with # Versions parameter.
                         MANAGEMENT CLASS ALTER                               Page 5 of 5
Command ===>

SCDS Name . . . . . . : HSMATH0.AB1H0PC6.SCDS
Management Class Name : MCLASS1

To ALTER Management Class, Specify:
   AGGREGATE Backup Attributes:
      # Versions . . . . . . . . NOLIMIT   (1 to 9999, NOLIMIT or blank)
      Retain Only Version . . .            (1 to 9999, NOLIMIT or blank)
        Unit . . . . . . . . . .           (D=days, W=weeks, M=months, Y=years or
      Retain Extra Versions . .            (1 to 9999, NOLIMIT or blank)
        Unit . . . . . . . . . .           (D=days, W=weeks, M=months, Y=years or
      Copy Serialization . . . .           (C=continue, F=fail or blank)
      Abackup Copy Technique . . S         (P, R, S, VP, VR, CP or CR

Use ENTER to Perform Verification; Use UP Command to View previous Panel;
Use HELP Command for Help; Use END Command to Save and Exit; CANCEL to Exit.

Related reading

For more information, see Expiring ABR records in the BCDS.