MIGRATEPREFIX: Specifying the prefix for the migration copy name

Explanation: MIGRATEPREFIX(prefix) is an optional parameter specifying the prefix (high-level qualifier) of the data set name that DFSMShsm generates when it migrates the data set. prefix must be defined as 1 to 7 alphanumeric characters; the first character must be alphabetic only.

Attention: Changing this parameter after the DFSMShsm environment is set could result in failures during the recall and recovery of data sets from tape and SDSPs.
The migration copy name has the following format:
If patch-enabled, the following dataset name will be generated:
  • prefix is replaced with the prefix you specify with this command.
  • HMIG indicates that this is a migrated data set.
  • Tssmmhh is the time when DFSMShsm migrated the data set; ss is the second, mm is the minute, and hh is the hour. If a duplicate exists after this name is generated, DFSMShsm changes the first character of the time stamp.
  • Tcccchh is the time when DFSMShsm migrated the data set; cccc is the time in hundredths of seconds from the beginning of the hour converted to four alphabetic characters and hh is hours. For more information, see Names of migrated data sets.
  • user1 and user2 are replaced with the first two qualifiers of the data set name. The data set name can be 44 characters long.
  • Xyddd is the date when DFSMShsm migrated the data set. DFSMShsm replaces the X with a letter that represents the decade. A–J have the following meaning:
        A—1,  B—2,  C—3,  D—4,  E—5
        F—6,  G—7,  H—8,  I—9,  J—0
For example, you specify MIGRATEPREFIX(HSMMIG). Your data set name is TERRY.CLIST.TEXT. DFSMShsm migrates the data set on 15 July 1990 at 5:33 p.m. The migration copy name is:

SMS relationship: Parameter has the same meaning when applied to SMS-managed or non-SMS-managed DASD volumes or data sets.

SETSYS default: None.

DFSMShsm default: If you do not specify this parameter on any SETSYS command, the DFSMShsm default is the UID you specified in the DFSMShsm startup procedure. This UID is used as the first qualifier for data set names generated by DFSMShsm during the BACKUP or MIGRATION functions. Changing this UID after the DFSMShsm environment is set could result in failures during the recall and recovery of data sets from tape and SDSPs.Space management of SMS-managed storage explains the UID and the DFSMShsm startup procedure.