COMMONQUEUE: Preventing common queue functions

Explanation: COMMONQUEUE is an optional parameter that specifies that DFSMShsm prevent all common queue processing. If you specify COMMONQUEUE without any parameters, a host neither places recall requests in the CRQ, nor selects recall requests from the CRQ.

Subparameter Explanation
RECALL COMMONQUEUE(RECALL) specifies that a host neither places recall requests in the CRQ, nor selects recall requests from the CRQ.

COMMONQUEUE(RECALL(PLACEMENT)) specifies that the host does not place additional requests in the CRQ. All new requests will be placed on the host's local recall queue.

COMMONQUEUE(RECALL(SELECTION)) specifies that the host does not select recall requests from the CRQ.

For more information about using HOLD COMMONQUEUE, see Preventing DFSMShsm functions from running.

Defaults: None.