Moving VM-format volumes

You can use DFSMSdss to move VM-format volumes that are accessible to your z/OS® system. The volumes must have OS-compatible VTOCs starting on track zero, record five. DFSMSdss can only retrieve device information from the OS-compatible VTOC, and cannot interpret any VM-specific information on the volume.

Use the CPVOLUME keyword and specify the range of tracks to be copied with the TRACKS keyword. You can use concurrent copy to move the volume by specifying the CONCURRENT keyword. Because DFSMSdss cannot check access authorization for VM data, CPVOLUME is only allowed with the ADMINISTRATOR keyword.

Exercise caution when using DFSMSdss to copy VM-format volumes because DFSMSdss does not serialize any VM data in any way. You cannot copy VM-format volumes to OS-format volumes, nor can you copy OS-format volumes to OS-format volumes.