Using DFSMSdss dump and restore commands

This topic contains examples of batch jobs that use DFSMSdss functions to dump and restore Linux for System z® partitions and volumes. To submit these jobs for processing, you can either submit them to z/OS® from your TSO/E user ID, or FTP them to a z/OS system from a Linux system, as described in Submitting JCL batch jobs to a z/OS system using FTP.

  1. IBM® recommends using only the ADRDSSU keywords, which are shown between //SYSIN and /* in the examples in this section.
  2. You must include ALLEXCP among the keywords you specify for any DFSMSdss DUMP batch job or COPY batch job that processes Linux cdl volumes.
  3. For information about JCL rules and syntax, see the following publications: