TOPOTIME start option

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  1. TOPOTIME is meaningful only if the NODETYPE start option is also used.

Specifies the time of day that APPN topology and routing services (TRS) runs garbage collection of the topology database and deletes expired node and TG records. Garbage collection runs every 24 hours.

The topology_gc_time value must be specified in the format HH:MM and expressed in 24-hour notation. For example, 1:00 p.m. is 13:00. Valid values are in the range 00:01-24:00. The hours (HH) and minutes (MM) values (0-9) must be specified with a leading 0. The hours (HH) value can be in the range 00-24. The minutes (MM) value can be in the range 00-59.

Topology garbage collection does not run within 12 hours of the current VTAM® initialization time. For example, if the current initialization time is 08:00 and you set TOPOTIME to 09:00, garbage collection will run at 09:00 the next day.

If TOPOTIME is not specified, topology garbage collection runs every 24 hours after the time that topology and routing services is activated at VTAM initialization.

TOPOTIME is valid only on an APPN node (NODETYPE start option is specified).

In addition to using the DISPLAY NET,VTAMOPTS,OPTION=TOPOTIME command to display the time of day that topology garbage collection will run, you can also display the last time and date of garbage collection with the DISPLAY NET,TOPO,LIST=SUMMARY command.