Network management start options

Table 1. Start options that define network management characteristics. You can display these start options as a group with the DISPLAY VTAMOPTS,FUNCTION=NETMGMT command
Start option Description
CNMTAB The name of the communication network management (CNM) routing table used to route unsolicited request units
DLURSAW Specifies whether path-switch information about RTP pipes with DLUR endpoints should be sent to a Network Logic Data Manager (NLDM) application
IPINFO Provides control over the display and transfer of IP characteristics received by this host
MXSAWBUF The maximum number of buffers used for session awareness (SAW) data
NMVTLOG Specifies whether network management vector transport (NMVT) alerts are recorded in LOGREC
OSIEVENT Specifies whether VTAM® topology notifications are generated for CMIP services events
OSIMGMT Specifies whether Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) application programs on VTAM are supported, including the VTAM topology agent
OSITOPO Specifies whether the VTAM topology agent reports all types of cross-domain resources (CDRSCs) to CMIP manager application programs
PDTRCBUF The number of buffers to build for a session monitor request
SAWMAXDS A value used to calculate the maximum buffer limit for a SAW data space
SAWMXQPK A value used to calculate the number of SAW buffers to queue before packing the buffers
SNAMGMT Specifies whether the SNA network management interface (NMI) is supported, including the attachment of the ISTMGCEH subtask, which acts as the socket server for the interface.
UPDDELAY The maximum length of time that the VTAM topology agent waits between checks for resources that are in transient states to determine whether updates for a resource should be sent to the topology manager