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Specifies the logon mode name to be used as a key for the session parameters in this table entry.

When coding LOGMODE, consider the following information:
  • If the LOGMODE parameter is omitted (defaulted) or coded with no name or coded with 1 - 8 blanks, it must be the first entry in the table to be accepted and used. If the LOGMODE parameter is omitted (defaulted) or coded with no name or coded with 1 - 8 blanks on a MODENT macro that is not the first in the table, the following conditions occur:
    • The table assembles.
    • An assembler message warns you that a blank entry was found and that it is not the first entry in the table.
    • Blank entries are ignored, except when the blank entry is the first entry in the table. Because the first entry is also the default entry, it becomes the default entry for this table but with a blank name.
  • If duplicate non-blank LOGMODE names exist in the same table, an assembler error informs you of a "previously defined symbol" and the table assembly fails.

    Correct the error (remove the duplicate logmode entry or use a different logmode name), and reassemble the table.

  • Do not specify LOGMODE names using the following symbols, which are used by the MODETAB, MODEENT and MODEEND macros to generate tables:
         ISTMnnnn  ISTSnnnn  ISTEnnnn    ISTXnnnn
    where nnnn is an integer from 1 to the number of LOGMODE tables (that is, the number of MODETAB macros) contained in the LOGMODE table being assembled.