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Specifies the name of a resource (a logical unit or application program) in another domain or network that this CDRSC is to represent.

The cdrscname value is required. The cdrscnamevalue can be the name of the logical unit or application as known in this network (the alias name). If the resource is a VTAM® application program, and the CDRSC is to satisfy the real name, cdrscname must be the same as the name (not the ACBNAME operand) of the application program’s APPL definition statement in the VTAM definition in the other domain.

If you do not code the NETWORK statement, the cdrscname is either the real name of the resource or the alias name of the resource. If a CDRSC is predefined in the same domain for the real name, and another CDRSC is predefined in that domain for the alias name, the session setup fails. VTAM does not allow two static definitions of the same resource in a single domain.

In an SNA network interconnection, only one CDRSC identified by the name in cdrscname can be defined using NQNMODE=NAME (either by the start option or by the definition statement). Same-network CDRSCs and CDRSCs defined without a NETWORK statement are always considered to be defined using NQNMODE=NAME. If a CDRSC is defined using NQNMODE=NAME, then cdrscname cannot conflict with the name of any non-CDRSC resource in that SNA-interconnected network.

In addition to the characters normally acceptable in a SNA name, the cdrscname can include the following wildcard characters:
Asterisk (*)
Represents zero or more unspecified characters. An asterisk can be used as the second through eighth character.
Question mark (?)
Represents a single unspecified character. A question mark can be used as the first through eighth character.
When wildcard characters are used in the cdrscname value, this is considered to be a model CDRSC definition, from which clone CDRSCs can later be created.

Restriction: The cdrscname value (including wildcard characters) for all model CDRSCs must be unique within a given host (including model applications) regardless of the value of the NQNMODE operand or NQNMODE start option. For example, two model CDRSC definitions named CD??* in NETA and CD??* in NETB cannot be activated at the same time on the same host even if NQNMODE=NQNAME is used for one or both of these model CDRSCs because the cdrscname value is not unique.