tabletype ADJACENT SSCP TABLE [FOR netid]


This message is part of a group of messages that VTAM® issues in response to a DISPLAY ADJSSCPS command when one of the following occurs:
  • No specific ADJSSCP list is defined for the CDRM or NETID specified on the command
  • Neither CDRM nor NETID is specified on the command
  • SCOPE=ALL is specified on the command.
The DISPLAY ADJSSCPS command requests information about adjacent SSCPs used to route to a destination SSCP or cross-domain resource. A complete description of the message group follows.
 IST623I  tabletype ADJACENT SSCP TABLE [FOR netid]
[IST1705I sc_option = sc_value FROM START OPTION]
[IST1704I sc_option = sc_value FROM ADJACENT SSCP TABLE]
 IST624I    sscpname
If SCOPE=ALL is specified on the command, the IST623I subgroup is repeated for all defined and dynamic ADJSSCPs which match the specifications on the command operands.
  • This message identifies the type of information shown in the display. DISPLAY TYPE is always ADJACENT SSCP TABLE in this message group.
  • tabletype identifies which adjacent SSCP table is being displayed.
    • If tabletype is DEFAULT, no specific list was defined for the specified CDRM or NETID. The list being displayed was defined as a default list for the specified NETID or the default table for all networks.

      See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for more information about defining adjacent SSCP tables.

    • If tabletype is DYNAMIC, no specific list was defined for the specified CDRM or NETID, and no default list was defined. The list being displayed was created dynamically for the specified NETID or the default table for all networks.

      See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Network Implementation Guide for more information about dynamic adjacent SSCP tables.

  • netid is the network ID of the resource. It is displayed when the DISPLAY ADJSSCPS command specifies a NETID and a default adjacent SSCP list is defined for the specified network.
  • VTAM issues this message for each SSCP sscpname in the adjacent SSCP table being displayed.
IST1704I or IST1705I
  • sc_option indicates a search control option associated with the adjacent SSCP table being displayed. Possible values are: SORDER and SSCPORD. When VTAM is enabled for APPN, both search control options will be displayed with SORDER being first. When VTAM is not enabled for APPN, SSCPORD will be the only search control option displayed. Either IST1704I or IST1705I will be issued for each search control option displayed.
  • sc_value indicates value of the search control option associated with the adjacent SSCP table being displayed.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response


System programmer response


Routing code


Descriptor code