LABEL = labelname — MACRO TYPE = macrotype — KEYWORD = keyword


This message supplements messages IST319I, IST320I, IST321I, IST322I, IST363I, IST886I, and IST979I. Although the definition can contain mixed cases, all values displayed in the message are in uppercase.

labelname is the name or label of the macro or statement in error.

macrotype is the type of macro.

keyword shows the actual keyword (or the first 8 characters of the keyword) that was in error.

Tip: If PORTNAME is being specified on a TRLE definition and keyword is READ, the READ address must be an even number that is one less than the address specified on the corresponding WRITE operand. For example, if you specify 500 on the READ operand, you must specify 501 on the WRITE operand.

System action

The action carried out is given in the preceding message.

Operator response

Save the system log for problem determination.

System programmer response

Locate the keyword in error on the macro labeled labelname. Use the previous error message for the specific problem with that keyword.

If macrotype is PU and labelname is a model PU, check the definition to determine whether the TRLE keyword is coded. The TRLE keyword signifies that the model PU is for XCF. An XCF model PU definition requires specific values to be coded for some keywords or to be allowed to default to the correct values.

See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for the correct use of VTAM® operands on NCP definition statements.

Note: If macrotype is * and keyword is ***NA***, then the error is due to miscoding a comment line in the definition deck. Comment lines must have an asterisk (*) in column one. Placing the asterisk in a different column will generate this error message.

Routing code


Descriptor code