majornode : minornode IS INVALID, n, UNSUPPORTED OPTION — option


VTAM® attempted to activate a logical unit that requires cryptography in a system that does not support cryptography. Only MVS™ has a data encryption facility.

majornode is the name of a major node being activated by a VARY ACT command.

minornode is the name of a node in majornode.

n is either 1 or 2. This number indicates the method that specified cryptography for the logical unit:
  • If n is 1, a checkpoint-restart data set specified cryptography.
  • If n is 2, a definition statement specified cryptography.
option is the name of the unsupported option that caused the rejection of the VARY command for minornode. The option names are:
The data encryption facility is necessary for a node requiring these levels of encryption.
The data encryption facility is necessary for a node that has a message authentication code (MAC), which is required, and MACTYPE=DES. If the node did not explicitly code an encryption value, ENCR=SEL was used.

System action

VTAM activates majornode, but not minornode.

Operator response

If minornode is required for network operation, save the system log for problem determination.

System programmer response

If minornode is required, remove the requirement for cryptography from the definition statements.

Routing code


Descriptor code