SIO = sio SLOWDOWN = slowdown


VTAM® issues this message in response to a DISPLAY ID command requesting the status of an XCA major node. This message is issued for XCA major nodes that specify a CUADDR.

sio is the number of start I/O operations counted for the subchannel. This number is cumulative (from the time that the node was last activated) and is expressed in decimal. The value of sio is never larger than 65535. If sio is 65535, its value is reset to 0 when the next start I/O operation takes place. If the subchannel is not active for this major node, sio will display as N/A.

slowdown indicates if the subchannel is in slowdown. Values are YES and NO. SLOWDOWN = YES means that the XCA device will not accept write data from VTAM. SLOWDOWN = NO is the normal state of the subchannel. If the subchannel is not active for this major node, slowdown will display as N/A.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response

If SLOWDOWN = YES is displayed, VTAM cannot write data to this device. If this device has a large amount of data queued to be written to it, a storage shortage might occur. Storage usage displays can be used to indicate if unusually high amounts of storage are being used. DISPLAY NET, BFRUSE can be used to display VTAM storage usage and DISPLAY NET,CSM can be used to display CSM storage usage. Use any problem determination aids available for the XCA device itself to determine why it is in slowdown. If storage usage is high, and the slowdown condition persists, the operator can use the VARY command to make this XCA major node inactive.

System programmer response

Use any diagnostics available for that device to determine why the XCA device is in slowdown.

Routing code

2, 8

Descriptor code