zEnterprise System and System z10 OSA-Express Customer's Guide and Reference
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Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility (OSA/SF)

zEnterprise System and System z10 OSA-Express Customer's Guide and Reference

Start of change OSA/SF applies to the OSA-Express2, OSA-Express3, and OSA-Express4S features only. End of change OSA/SF is a base element of z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE. OSA/SF provides a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing the installed OSAs. OSA/SF includes software that runs on a personal computer communicating with the server.

OSA/SF GUI: OSA/SF includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that runs on the following software platforms:
  • Windows 2000, Microsoft XP, and Windows 7. (This publication refers to these workstation operating systems collectively as Windows.)
  • Linux
  • Any other platform that supports graphics and Java 1.6

REXX command interface (IOACMD EXEC): Instead of the GUI, you can use a REXX command interface (IOACMD EXEC) with OSA/SF.

For details on the OSA/SF interfaces, see Setting up and using the OSA/SF interfaces.

Start of changeOSA Advanced Facilities on the Hardware Management Console (HMC) has been enhanced to provide configuration, validation, activation, and display support exclusively for the OSA-Express5S and OSA-Express4S features. For these features, the Advanced Facilities function on the HMC is used instead of the Open Systems Adapter Support Facility (OSA/SF) - a component of z/OS, z/VM, and zVSE. OSA/SF on the HMC must be used for the OSA-Express5S features and is optional for the OSA-Express4S features End of change

OSA/SF on the HMC is exclusive to the zEC12 and zBC12. The latest driver level is required. OSA/SF on the HMC is required for the OSA-Express5S features. Either OSA/SF on the HMC or the OSA/SF operating system component can be used for the OSA-Express4S features. The OSA/SF operating system component must be used for the OSA-Express3 features. OSA/SF on the HMC can be used to configure channel path identifier (CHPID) type OSE. It can be used to manage (query/display) CHPID types OSD, OSE, and OSN. See Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility on the Hardware Management Console, SC14-7580, for more information.

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